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Tens of thousands of students take part in USI Student Walkout on third level campuses

[…]today’s Student Walkout is indicative of the number of students that are experiencing accommodation and financial problems across Ireland. It used to be a case that every student knew someone that was struggling, but now nearly every student is struggling themselves. Students needed to take this action today. We have been hearing how angry students are at the way they have been treated year after year, and today was an outlet for that anger.” They continued: “USI has been talking constantly about how we have the worst student accommodation crisis ever and of the hardship that students are facing because of the soaring cost of living. And today students showed […]
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Students Prepare for Fairtrade Fortnight

[…]Union of Students in Ireland have partnered up with Fairtrade Ireland for two weeks of inspiration on global fair trade. Events across Ireland will showcase the enormous growth of Fair Trade products available in Ireland and highlight the work still to come in promoting fairer Ireland. As part of the fortnight, Fairtrade Ireland have organised a speaker tour with two speakers ;Sara Montoya, a international Business student from the COOPCAFTER coffee co-op in Colombia and Blas Arismendis  Marcelinos for the BANELINO bananas co-op in the Dominican Republic. They will be visiting towns and third level institutions across Ireland to speak […]

Thousands of students left abandoned due to Government’s failure to tackle “worse than ever” student accommodation crisis

[…]last decade with the Government failing to relieve the stress and pressure of the housing situation on the next generation. It really isn’t good enough, we need to see urgent, effective and long-term action […]
Read more » Thousands of students left abandoned due to Government’s failure to tackle “worse than ever” student accommodation crisis

Why Research Matters – Competition Now Open

Why Research Matters is a postgraduate video competition run by the Union of Students in Ireland and sponsored by the Irish Research Council. The goal is to put the creative minds of the island’s postgraduate research community to work to produce a short video presentation about your research, and why it matters. Here our Vice President for Postgraduate Affairs, Sara Dowling, breaks down the Open Call criteria with some tips to include. While we all remain at home it can be difficult to maintain the same level of continuity with our work, so why not remind yourselves and the country about […]
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USI President expresses solidarity with victims in Spain and Brussels

[…]horrific events in the past few days; the bus crash in Spain which injured two students from Ireland and resulted in the deaths of students from our fraternal partners in Europe is heartbreaking; they were expanding their horizons and striking out in  other countries to learn more about their chosen subject and the world around them; we are deeply saddened by their loss.   Last night’s attacks in Brussels, across the metro network and the airport in that city, have left thirteen people dead; families devastated, children without parents and parents without children.   Our student movement is, of course, […]
Read more » USI President expresses solidarity with victims in Spain and Brussels

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