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Action urged to ease Dublin Student Accommodation Crisis

[…]for students. Many landlords are choosing not to rent to students given the huge increase in demand and limited supply, with many of those who would previously have sought a mortgage now entering the rental market. In a desperate attempt to find a suitable place to live, many students are being forced to pay over the odds for their accommodation, with no choice but to settle at exploitative prices. This adds to the huge financial burden already placed on students attending third-level and their families. We are calling on the Government to look at the development of purpose-built city centre […]
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Publicly Funded Higher Education

[…]The HEA review revealed high costs associated with the delivery of education in these smaller campuses and revealed campus deficits of €1.3mn for Killybegs (run by LYIT); €2mn at Castlebar and €700,000 at Letterfrack (run by GMIT); and €1mn at the National Maritime College (run by CIT). These deficits make a major contribution to the overall deficit position of these institutes. USI ask that the increase in funding be allocated to protect these campuses. Costing: €17m per €250 reduction per annum Responsibility: Department of […]

Last day for nominations!

[…]nominations end today – 13/02/2014 Students’ Union Presidents seeking to nominate candidates for positions on the USI Officer Board have until 5.30 today to submit their nominations on headed notepaper as per the regulations. Get them […]

DCU to re-affiliate with USI after a decade while huge Maynooth majority vote ‘Yes’ to USI

[…]Immediate Release Students in DCU have voted to re-affiliate with the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) this evening, after more than a decade outside the national representative body. This result follows Maynooth’s decision to remain affiliated, with close to 87% of students there voting ‘Yes’ to USI. In DCU, 768 students voted to affiliate with 642 in opposition. In Maynooth, 1639 students voted ‘Yes’ to affiliation, with just 253 opposing. These positive results come after a vote for affiliation in Trinity in the first term. USI President John Logue said: “We are delighted to welcome DCU back into USI […]
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USI supporting student-led ‘super Yes canvass’

[…]key locations all over the city. The canvass comes as part of the final push mobilising tens of thousands of voters to vote ‘Yes’ ahead of polling day on May 25th. USI President Michael Kerrigan, who will be canvassing with USI, said: “It’s great to see almost 100 Trinity students holding over 20 Together for Yes stalls across Dublin today. Despite exams being on, students are still actively campaigning to remove the cruel Eighth Amendment. Students are ready for change, and are demanding a more caring and compassionate Ireland.” “We’re inviting anyone who has questions about the Eighth Amendment to […]
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