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Youth floating vote will be key to local and European elections

[…]on the previous general election. With large numbers of young people across the country registered and using their vote, politicians need to engage with this important demographic,” said USI President, Joe O’Connor. “It’s vital that young people go out and vote as it’s one of the best means by which to get politicians and political parties to engage with issues such as youth unemployment, the cost of living, mental health services and many others that impact on the daily lives of young people,” said Ian Power, Executive Director. Today’s calls have come as part of the Promote the Vote campaign run […]
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Students have no confidence in this Government and Taoiseach’s resignation should trigger general election

[…]full-time jobs along with studying, because of the cost of accommodation and going to college. And so, USI completely refutes Taoiseach Varadkar’s assertion that the economy and society is in a good place or that we are out of the cost-of-living crisis. However, if there is no general election and Fine Gael is simply allowed to choose the next Taoiseach among themselves, USI will be watching the actions of the new leader and their cabinet very closely. Students have four key demands that we need to see happen immediately and while politicians might think young people are too lazy to […]
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USI launches SHAG campaign “Whoever you like, love safer sex”

[…]to all aspects of sexual health. Talking about sex related issues is still a taboo subject in Ireland and we want to break through these barriers and encourage people to practice safer sex and to look after their sexual health  Sexuality is an integral part of being human, whether lesbian, gay, bisexual, straight or however you define yourself. A healthy sexual relationship can contribute to an overall sense of wellbeing”. Sinead Tuite, Patient Partnership, MSD: “It is important that young women are informed about the wide range of contraceptive options available to them and that they discuss their personal needs […]
Read more » USI launches SHAG campaign “Whoever you like, love safer sex”

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