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Students Have Been Driven to Drop out of College – as Car Insurance Costs Soar

[…]younger drivers and students in particular. Students are reporting to the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) that they are being forced to drop out of college because they cannot afford to insure a car to commute, having already been forced out of the accommodation market by spiralling rents.   As part of their campaign to address this major cost of attending college, the USI, representing over 374,000 members, has voted to join the Alliance for Insurance Reform.   The Alliance for Insurance Reform brings together 30 civic and business organisations from across Ireland, representing over 36,000 members, 640,000 employees […]
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Letter: Cabinet Ministers – “Please opt for a May date for referendum, and no later.”

“Please opt for a May date for referendum, and no later.” We’ve issued letters to all members of Taoiseach Leo Varadkar T.D’s Cabinet asking that a referendum to #RepealThe8th be held before the end of May 2018. Read the full letter below 👉 LISTEN: RTE Radio 1 – Repeal the 8th Letter Mon Jan 29 […]
Read more » Letter: Cabinet Ministers – “Please opt for a May date for referendum, and no later.”

USI Secures Major Investment To Student Supports Ahead of Budget 2018

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) today secured €3m to the Student Assistance Fund (SAF) over three years to support participation in higher education on a part-time basis, and €7.5m over three years to institutions to increase access to higher education from communities with the lowest levels of higher education participation. This comes with the announcement by the Department for Education and Skills today to invest €16.5m in supports for key target groups in the National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education 2015-2019. Welcoming the further €3m to the SAF, USI President Michael Kerrigan said, “Today, USI’s […]
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USI Welcomes Eighth Committee’s Report

[…]an opportunity to have a say on the issue. Students will have their say on this issue in their thousands, and their feet will hit the pavement when it comes to canvassing for the repeal of the Eighth Amendment.” USI is calling on the Oireachtas to fully support the committee’s report, and for Taoiseach Leo Varadkar to commit to a referendum being held in May, ensuring students would be in a position to cast a vote on the Eighth Amendment. […]

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