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No plans in Programme for Government to reduce the highest college fees in EU disappointing

[…]to work with Higher Education Institutions to ensure more accommodation is built on and off campus and the indication of a cost rental model being pursued. The definition of cost rental will need to be clarified and must be affordable. For us, the “other models” should include publicly funded projects as opposed to the continuation of the National Student Accommodation Strategy policy of relying on the private market. There are quite a number of reviews and examinations related to the higher education sector detailed in the programme and the USI strongly believes that these need to be undertaken with urgency, […]
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‘Budget 2018 Leaving Students Behind’, Says USI

[…]budget for young people. But there are some positive steps overall in funding our third-level campuses, and a shift away from implementing any form of an income-contingent loan scheme. ‘While the additional funding is welcomed to prop up crumbling infrastructures, and not burdening students with a new funding model based on loans and debt, there is no financial support in terms grants for students announced today. With the cost of living soaring, SUSI grant thresholds needed to be adjusted to allow middle income earners to be able to access the SUSI grant scheme more allowing for students to be financially […]
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Online protest calls for Government action on key student issues, including an end to highest fees in the EU

[…]cows for colleges and universities to make ends meet. “Investing in higher education is not just crucial for students, but it is also a great opportunity at this time. Higher education can act as an instigator for economic development and growth as we emerge from this crisis as for every €1 invested, another €4 is pumped back into the economy.” Having lobbied for the Student Contribution Charge to be reduced in Budget 2021, USI is reiterating calls for this reduction and says it should be backdated and applied to the current academic year. Other demands of the Education For All […]
Read more » Online protest calls for Government action on key student issues, including an end to highest fees in the EU

USI, HEA and QQI join forces to put students at the centre of their learning

[…]structures.   The project is a collaborative initiative of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), QQI and the Higher Education Authority (HEA) to give effect to the recently launched Principles for Student Engagement. The project is being developed in consultation with Sparqs (Student Partnership in Quality Scotland).   “NStEP will develop student capabilities and institutional capacity to enhance engagement at all levels across the higher education system.” Kevin Donoghue, USI President, said. “It encourages communication and feedback between students and staff and empowers students to improve teaching, and in turn, their own learning.”   The project’s objective is to […]
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Hard Knock Life for the Youth of Ireland

[…]Knock Airport, County Mayo Hard Knock Life for the Youth of Ireland ACROSS the west of Ireland today, colleges are calling on the government to tackle the youth employment and emigration problems that Ireland has been experiencing the past few years. The colleges NUIG (National University of Ireland, Galway), GMIT (Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology), IT Sligo, St. Angela’s Sligo, Athlone IT and the USI (Union of Students in Ireland) united today at Knock Airport for a photo stunt to hammer home the message to the government that emigration is an issue that needs to be sorted before more of the […]

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