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Students call for urgent awareness and education around self harm

[…]build up our capacity to manage what we’re going through in a different way. Reach out to a trusted friend – tell them what’s going on.” Speaking about students assisting friends through a tough time, she stated: “We need to be there for each other. If someone trusts you enough to confide in you about their self-harm, you can start to help them immediately. First, honour their trust in you by showing them kindness, love and compassion. Second, help them get the support they need. Share info and supports with them and encourage them to make an appointment with their […]
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Winning Marriage Equality – a new year’s resolution

[…]belong to any one section of our society or to any one organisation. It belongs to Ireland and we all have a responsibility to engage with it. It’s important also that the discussions and debates in the media that will ensue aren’t dominated by older voices. Young people need to be at the heart of these debates and discussions. As someone who identifies as gay myself – I can only imagine the gravity of effect and the powerful message that passing this referendum would have had on me if it had passed when I was a closeted secondary school student. […]
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Congress 2015 E-Clár

This is the E-Clár for USI Congress 2015. It’s the base for all USI Congress information, live and updated as it happens at Congress 2015. Timetable / Amchláir   Motions before […]

USI Mental Health Strategy 2014-2017

More Talk, More Action  Today the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) are delighted to launch it’s Mental Health Strategy 2014-2017 which passed unanimously at USI Congress 2014. Click to read our strategy. A big thank you to our member Students’ Unions who aided in its development and we also extend our gratitude to Headstrong – The National Centre for Youth Mental Health, See Change, 3TS – Turn The Tide of Suicide and Student Sport Ireland for their valuable input.  Denise McCarthy, USI Deputy President/VP for Welfare 2013/14 said: “It is with great pleasure and hope that I present the USI Mental Health Strategy 2014-2017 ‘More Talk, More Action’. […]

USI urges homeowners to open their door to students

[…]in the private rental sector, and on campuses. We want to match students with a home to study in, and house as many students as possible as a quick and short term solution to the student accommodation crisis” “We are urging anyone with a spare room to sign up for digs at Using is a win-win for homeowners, especially for parents whose children have flown the nest, or who are attending college the other side of the country. The average cost of college is €12,500 and leasing out a room to a student or students will greatly help with this cost, […]
Read more » USI urges homeowners to open their door to students

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