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USI to host Pink Training 2012, largest LGBT training event in Europe

[…]students and continues to be one of the most popular and the largest training event that USI runs in terms of attendees. It is primarily for LGBT students, but is also open to LGBT allies. Workshops covered over the weekend include Coming Out workshops, Supporting a Friends who’s Coming Out, Looking after your Mental Health, Sexual Health, Trans* Awareness, Running an LGBT Society, Bisexuality Awareness, Being an LGBT Ally, Sexual Empowerment, lobbying and media skills. Laura Harmon, Vice President for Equality and Citizenship said: “It’s great to see so many delegates attending Pink Training this year from so many different […]
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Letter to South African Ambassador to Ireland following the death of Nelson Mandela

[…]Ndou, South African Ambassador to Ireland, Embassy of South Africa in Dublin, 2nd Floor, Alexandra House, Earlsfort Centre, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2. Ireland Dear Mr Ambassador, On behalf of the National Council of the Union of Students in Ireland, I would like to extend my condolences to the Mandela family and the people of South Africa, on the passing of the great Nelson Mandela. We also wish to express our gratitude for the inspirational and immeasurable work Mr. Mandela has done in promoting peace, human rights and social justice. USI has a long history of campaigning with the Irish Anti-Apartheid […]
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Students Nationwide Stand Against Coca-Cola in #TasteZeroRights campaign

[…]Union of Students in the UK (NUS UK) wrote to the President and CEO of The Coca Cola Company and USI will now follow suit.   USI President, Síona Cahill welcomes the passing of this motion, stating: “Young people are the main target market for Coca Cola products and have great weight in this campaign. This is not the first time there have been issues with Coca Cola company violating human rights. Previously Students’ Unions threatened boycotts of Coca Cola during the Anti-War movement, and we may be forced into such action again if this persists”   SIPTU Deputy General […]
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USI urges students families to secure accommodation

[…]that you may need to make compromises on quality, price and the commute to college.”   USI’s warning comes just ahead of Leaving Certificate results tomorrow and next Monday’s CAO offers, and amidst a growing crisis for accommodation in the nation’s major cities and college towns.   “There’s simply not enough student accommodation in our big towns,” said Donoghue.   “Student numbers are rising, with more and more students having to turn to the already pressurised private rental market.  Government support for people to rent a room to students is welcome, and we’re promoting the fact of the up-to €12,000 […]
Read more » USI urges students families to secure accommodation

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