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USI Opening Statement in Joint Oireachtas Committee on Research and Innovation Bill 2023

[…]research committee by surprise. USI recommends stakeholder engagement through public consultation and structured consultation. Students and postgraduate researchers are looking forward to opportunities for further engagement on this Bill.  Watch Waqar Ahmed’s opening remarks on the bill:   The full discussion can be found here.   *We would like to acknowledge Students4Change, Irish Humanities, and open letter, signed by over 1,400 researchers for some of the proposed […]
Read more » USI Opening Statement in Joint Oireachtas Committee on Research and Innovation Bill 2023

Over 700 show support at Student Nurses and Midwives Demonstration

[…]a different job altogether after four years of studying. The message to the government is: talk to us and fix this problem before it gets even worse.” *Notes First one-third of training course €6.49 per hour (75% of national minimum wage rate) Second one-third of training course €6.92 per hour (80% of national minimum wage rate) Final one third of the training course €7.79 per hour (90% of national minimum wage rate) For more information contact USI Communications and Research Executive Grainne O’Reilly on 087-6776636 or […]
Read more » Over 700 show support at Student Nurses and Midwives Demonstration

May Day 2020: USI renews it calls for Living Wage to become Minimum Wage

[…]Day 2020, the Union of Students in Ireland is renewing its calls for the Living Wage to become Ireland’s National Minimum Wage so all employees are working for a wage that can support an acceptable standard of living. The USI is urging the next government to make legislating for the Living Wage one of the top priorities on its agenda and to deal with it early in the next programme for government. And the USI is also calling on businesses to introduce a Living Wage for its employees in order to ensure their workers and their families are not living […]
Read more » May Day 2020: USI renews it calls for Living Wage to become Minimum Wage

The Week in USI 22-27 January 2017

[…]new online learning module to help sabbatical officers help students with grant applications. NUS-USI has launched an info hub for voter registration for the upcoming Northern Ireland Assembly elections. Also on the website is advice and guidance for international students about voting. Today USI is hosting the USI Women Lead Project to empower women students to lead. The residential weekend is supported and hosted by Accenture. It features modules on public speaking, self-care, leadership development, self-branding and campaign organisation. The Vice President for Equality  Citizenship has been appointed to the steering committee responsible for implementing the review of the Student […]

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