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‘Leaving Cert. and CAO model is unfair and focus must be placed on reforming this system’ – Fitzpatrick

[…]weeks than in previous years. The current Leaving Certificate and CAO model is unfair, and focus must be placed on reforming this system. “Our advice to students is to take time to consider your options and don’t feel pressured to accept an offer immediately – you have until Wednesday to accept or decline. The NPCPP are running a Leaving Certificate helpline today on 1800 265 165. Qualified guidance counsellors are available to give advice and support to students who have queries after receiving their CAO […]
Read more » ‘Leaving Cert. and CAO model is unfair and focus must be placed on reforming this system’ – Fitzpatrick

The Union of Students in Ireland Stresses the Importance of Bilingualism in Education and Urges Parents to Send their Children to Gaelscoileanna

[…]from the fact that fluency in our national language is a vibrant expression of our national identity, and preserves the direct descendant of one of the most ancient languages in Europe, dual language immersion provides a unique and powerful opportunity to strengthen children’s highest cognitive brain potentials through deliberate literacy development in two languages and authentic exposure to rich linguistic experiences.” Kevin Donoghue, USI President said, “USI is encouraging parents across Ireland to consider sending their children to a gaelscoil or a bilingual school because research shows that development of literacy in two languages has numerous positive effects for students […]
Read more » The Union of Students in Ireland Stresses the Importance of Bilingualism in Education and Urges Parents to Send their Children to Gaelscoileanna

USI Pink Training 2020 Registration

The USI Pink Training registration process is now open. If you are a delegation co-ordinator (either within the SU or the LGBT+ Society at your SU) you can register today to begin the process. Register […]

Students Prepare for Fairtrade Fortnight

[…]Events across Ireland will showcase the enormous growth of Fair Trade products available in Ireland and highlight the work still to come in promoting fairer Ireland. As part of the fortnight, Fairtrade Ireland have organised a speaker tour with two speakers ;Sara Montoya, a international Business student from the COOPCAFTER coffee co-op in Colombia and Blas Arismendis  Marcelinos for the BANELINO bananas co-op in the Dominican Republic. They will be visiting towns and third level institutions across Ireland to speak about the positive impacts creating a Fairtrade community can have on people’s lives. Speaking ahead of Fairtrade Fortnight, USI President […]

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