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USI Welcomes Wage Increase Coming into Effect for Student Nurses and Midwives

[…]of the reduction of this incremental credit on the ability of the Health Services to retain and recruit qualifying nurses and Midwives.” Phil Ni Sheaghdha, the Director of Industrial Relations at the INMO, said. “There is a lot more work to be done for student nurses and midwives. The unions are completely committed to fully engaging with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the Department of Health in order to secure incremental credit for these categories of nurses, to ensure they receive the same benefit as those qualifying in 2016.” The proposals arrived at involve the following as […]
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USI Stands With Ibrahim Halawa

[…]been detained for so long without fair trial and we will not give up until his release back to Ireland and to his family”   Ibrahim Halawa is a 19 year old Irish citizen imprisoned for taking refuge in Egypt. He is an Amnesty International Prisoner of Conscience. He is from Firhouse in Dublin. In August 2013, Ibrahim and his three sisters went to a protest in Cairo following the violent dispersal by security forces of two sit-ins in Cairo and other protests across Egypt which left up to 1,000 people dead in a single day. When the protest turned violent […]

The Union of Students in Ireland is Urging Students to Stay away from the 2CB Drug

[…]another person. Full survey results are available here. USI said that we need to acknowledge that drug use happens but the key to keeping young people safe is through education. “We need to recognise that drug use happens and young people experiment.” Kevin Donoghue, USI President, said, “We need to ensure that young people are being educated on the risks in a way that is relative to them. That is how we keep them safe – by arming them with information. The ‘just say no’ campaign simply doesn’t work. Young people don’t connect with it. We are urging students to […]
Read more » The Union of Students in Ireland is Urging Students to Stay away from the 2CB Drug

Demand Accessible Abortion Legislation in Ireland

[…]– when politics should be and has always been about the people. Many women are suffering in Ireland today. Many women have suffered and died. The time for legislation was 21 years ago. It’s imperative that this legislation protects women and it must include every risk, including the risk of suicide and the professional analysis of no more than two medical practitioners. You know, being a woman in Ireland is risky. It seems that everybody in Ireland can talk about our health and reproductive rights – except us. The single biggest risk to not being taken seriously, to not having […]
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USI Lead over 500 Pharmacy Students’ as Payment Ban is Lifted

[…]of pharmacy) lifted the ban on payment for placement for 4th and 5th year Pharmacy Students. USI and IPSA cautiously welcomed this statement and today called on the PSI to clarify its position and work with students’, pharmacists and colleges to protect the rights of students on placement.   In 2018, USI alongside the Irish Pharmacy Students’ Association (IPSA) launched a survey aimed at 4th year Pharmacy students while on placement. These students were the first cohort to face the brunt of a ban on receiving payment for their labour. The ban was introduced by the pharmacy regulator, the Pharmaceutical […]
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