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Union of Students in Ireland statement on Irish AIDS Day 2021

[…]and Wales. We need this discriminatory ban to be scrapped in Ireland and Northern Ireland also in order to address the HIV-related stigma and shame faced by many people. We support HIV Ireland and other organisations working to end the spread of HIV and HIV-related stigma. We can end new HIV transmissions and we can get to zero by 2030. It is important to get tested and know your status and through effective HIV treatment or medication resulting in an undetectable viral load the risk of HIV being passed on through sex is zero. Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) To celebrate […]
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USI President welcomes return of DCU after 13 year absence

[…]facing us on a national level, and the need for national representation and campaigns in order to tackle these issues. The national student movement stands strengthened by DCU’s return, however, these challenges remain immense. We will now work together to make the case for education as a public good, to achieve marriage equality, and to bring about better pay and conditions for our graduate nurses. These are issues of key concern to students in DCU and right across the country. Higher Education in Ireland is facing the biggest crossroads since the introduction of free fees almost two decades ago. We […]
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USI offers advice for students leaving private rented accommodation; partners with Property Button Home Hub service.

[…]trouble-free departure from their current accommodation – and joined forces with Property Button to help prepare students make their next move hassle free. With the exam season coming to an end, it’s important to prepare to vacate your accommodation in good order – giving the owner nothing to complain about – and more importantly making sure you get that all-important deposit back. There are seven simple steps that everyone should follow to return the place in order and avoid any deposit deductions: make sure you’ve paid all due rent; do a meter reading and make sure you’ve left no outstanding […]
Read more » USI offers advice for students leaving private rented accommodation; partners with Property Button Home Hub service.

May Day 2020: USI renews it calls for Living Wage to become Minimum Wage

[…]the USI is also calling on businesses to introduce a Living Wage for its employees in order to ensure their workers and their families are not living below the poverty line while working. The USI has made several submissions to the Low Pay Commission – the latest in March 2020 – outlining its argument that the Living Wage is the gross pay necessary to provide a minimum adequate income. The calculation of the Living Wage is evidence based, built on budget standards research and grounded in social consensus. The USI believes that the Living Wage would prevent exploitation, ensure minimum […]
Read more » May Day 2020: USI renews it calls for Living Wage to become Minimum Wage

Students set to be badly hit by Pandemic Unemployment Payment cuts

[…]in Ireland. With college terms finished, most students would now be working full-time hours in order to save as much money as possible for the next academic year as well as survive on a day-to-day basis over the summer. However, due to the on-going public health restrictions large numbers of students have been temporarily or permanently laid-off from jobs and have little possibility of finding other work. The USI is making urgent calls for Government to take into account the hours students will miss out on this summer when making any reforms of the criteria for receiving the COVID-19 Pandemic […]
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