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Sorted by: Relevance | Sort by: Date Results per-page: 10 | 20 | 50 | All campaign highlights impact of alcohol on mental health

[…]impact on their mental health and wellbeing. Alcohol is a factor in half of all suicides in Ireland and depression is on the rise in the student community, who have the highest rates of binge drinking in the country. “We believe that we can bring about a positive change in this harmful drinking culture among the current generation of third level students and that we can also lead by example and try to ensure that the next generation of young people – particularly our brothers and sisters – is not taken in by this culture, by helping them to see […]
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NUI Galway Students Pledge To Save Energy On Campus

[…]and win prizes to combat climate change as part of national campaign The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) in partnership with NUI Galway Students’ Union, NUI Galway, and NUI Galway Green Campus has launched a major European energy efficiency and energy saving campaign called ‘Student Switch Off’ encouraging students in Galway to save energy and combat climate change. The campaign is supported by the European Union to the sum of  €1.5m over the next 3 years across Europe. Speaking about the launch, USI President Michael Kerrigan said, “We’re delighted to officially launch the ‘Student Switch Off’ campaign right here […]
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USI Launch Say Something

[…]particular study of both male and female experiences undertaken by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI). This is the first time that a study of this type and magnitude has been undertaken in Ireland. It is a significant milestone in Cosc’s goal to fill the gap of empirical evidence relevant to the lived experiences of the Irish population as a whole and, in particular, third-level students. Cosc looks forward to working with the USI into the future.’’ There will be pre-launch tea and coffee available at 10.30am ahead of the official launch of the research findings at 11am in the Trinity Long […]

Job Bridge is Broken Beyond Repair

[…]today- A minimum of a PhD required for a synthetic chemistry role. Doctorates required for €50 and a dole payment already reduced significantly for many young people. USI recently called for JobBridge to be phased out in our ‘Vision for Post-Bailout Ireland’. This bridge is broken beyond repair. It is past time to end this scheme and the displacement of paid labour, exploitation of workers and unregulated carnage it consistently produces. We need proper internships, training opportunities and upskilling in Ireland. But they need to provide adequate monitoring, oversight and regulation. Clearly, in far too many instances, JobBridge is failing […]

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