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Students call time on binge drinking and decide to set a good example

[…]of National Student Alcohol Awareness Roadshow ‘Mental Drinking’ The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) will today [on Monday] launch a new phase of its alcohol awareness campaign, ‘’. The information initiative, in conjunction with Alcohol Action Ireland, which is funded by the Health Service Executive, aims to explain clearly the link between binge drinking and mental ill-health, and to encourage students, particularly those who may be older brothers and sisters, to set a good role model for the younger generations coming up behind them. The ‘Mental Drinking’ Roadshow will travel to colleges throughout Ireland this week with merchandise and information […]
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Students Call On Senators To Reject Loans Scheme In Favour Of Public Investment In Education

Union of Students in Ireland (USI) today called on Senators to support a Labour private members motion this Wednesday, rejecting any move to implement an income-contingent loan scheme but instead to publicly invest in third level education. In advance of the debate, USI President Michael Kerrigan said, “A decision to go ahead with an income-contingent loan scheme will increase emigration and sends a clear message to our future students: take your €20,000 debt, your degree, and get out.  Ireland currently charges the 2nd highest higher education fees in Europe after the UK, and we’ve seen in the UK that the […]
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USI statement on postgraduate stipends increase

[…]line with the Living Wage. Many postgraduates are not being fairly compensated for their teaching and USI has been campaigning for the stipend for postgraduate students to be brought up to at least the Living Wage – many stipends are currently below the minimum wage. While the Irish Research Council’s postgraduate stipend will increase from €16,000 to €18,500 per annum and funding for its postdoctoral researchers will also increase there is still much to be done to ensure fair terms and conditions for postgraduates. USI Vice President for Postgraduate Affairs, Adam Clarke said: “This is a much-needed step towards improved […]
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Pandemic impact must be provided for in SUSI process

[…]as a result of the economic downturn caused by the measures taken to stop the spread of the virus. “Just yesterday, the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe outlined that the country is headed for a severe recession and the Irish economy is expected to shrink by over 10 per cent. “Students have already been severely impacted by the pandemic, including those hoping to start college in the autumn and they do not need another uncertainty hanging over them. “At the moment, SUSI applicants are being told they can apply for a ‘change of circumstances’ as is the normal process every […]
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