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USI said the J1 changes is disappointing and will decrease the number of students travelling abroad

The Union of Students in Ireland said the J1 changes announced today is hugely disappointing and will decrease the number of students travelling abroad for the summer. The changes made to the J1 programme means that Irish students will now have to secure a job in America before they apply for the J1 visa. “When the J1 programme was launched we saw a surge of Irish students travelling to the USA on a working summer visa,” The Union of Students in Ireland President, Kevin Donoghue, said, “It’s a fantastic opportunity for personal development through refining independent skills and experiencing another culture. Geographic distance […]
Read more » USI said the J1 changes is disappointing and will decrease the number of students travelling abroad

Students Take Action for Ibrahim’s Halawa’s Immediate Release

[…]states its solidarity with Ibrahim Halawa in his righteous fight for freedom. Congress therefore mandates USI to call on the Irish government to intensify their efforts for the release of Ibrahim Halawa. Congress further mandates the USI Vice-President for Equality & Citizenship to engage with the relevant human rights organisations to support the campaign for the release of Ibrahim […]
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USI Supports Bodywhys Survey

[…]takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Prior to completing the survey you will be asked to read and complete the online consent form. How will you protect my privacy? All the information you provide will be anonymous. The research team will not collect any information that can identify you either from Bodywhys or as part of the data collection. All the information collected will be securely stored on a password-protected computer. The information gathered will be kept for publication purposes. No one will be able to recognise you from the information presented in reports and publications. What are the risks […]

SUSI Report Confirms Minister Failed Students in Blind Pursuit of Savings

[…]resources. This is indicative of the level of empathy that Minister Quinn has shown to the thousands of families who were left financially stranded because of the failings of the new grant system. The Department was initially quick to blame students and parents for the delays, swiftly followed by the Department’s blaming of City of Dublin VEC, which administers the new system. The launch of Accenture’s report today confirms once and for all that the Minister undermined the ability of SUSI to provide for vulnerable students. There is now an onus on the Minister to rectify the damage caused by […]
Read more » SUSI Report Confirms Minister Failed Students in Blind Pursuit of Savings

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