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USI Equality Campaign

[…]citizen means being aware of and caring about the welfare of fellow citizens, recognising that we live as members of communities and therefore depend on others in our daily lives. Active citizens support and become involved in different types of voluntary and community activities; respect and listen to those with differnt views from their own; play their part in making decisions that affect them, in particular by participating in the democratic process; respect ethnic and cultural diversity and are open to change; welcome new peopel who come to live in Ireland (Report of the TaskForce on Active Citizenship 2007 USI is […]

The Union of Students in Ireland said unaffordable accommodation forces students out of college with rents over €1,000 a month nationwide for the first time since the economic crash

[…]is forcing some students to commit to a lease they can’t afford, sleep on friends’ couches, live in poor quality accommodation or endure long commutes. “The lack of purpose-built on-campus accommodation, private sector rent increases and the shortage of rental properties continues to fuel a dropout culture in third level education.” Donoghue said. “The accommodation crisis will deter students, especially those from rural areas, from going to college, and long commutes will negatively affect the quality of their college experience. “We should follow international examples and seek innovative solutions to accommodation shortages. The Irish economy has shown strong signs of […]
Read more » The Union of Students in Ireland said unaffordable accommodation forces students out of college with rents over €1,000 a month nationwide for the first time since the economic crash

Modern Advances in Farming credited with the Growing Number of Students Applying for Agricultural Courses

[…]controlled timing of parturition in beef cattle, evaluating by-products for inclusion in ruminant and monogastric diets; and an advancement in fertiliser technologies for improved efficiency and reduced gaseous emissions. Irish farming is at the forefront of all of these modernisations so it’s no wonder there’s been an increase in the amount of young people applying for agriculture and horticulture courses over the past ten […]
Read more » Modern Advances in Farming credited with the Growing Number of Students Applying for Agricultural Courses

Win tickets to the gig of the year!

USI has teamed up with Meteor to offer tickets to the Meteor Choice Music Prize live event at Dublin’s Vicar Street on 7 March 2013. Why?  USI is proud to announce the new student deals now being offered by Meteor to students in Ireland – and to celebrate our new relationship with Meteor, they’ve given us a host of prizes exclusively for USI members.  This week, we have tickets to the gig of the year, and next week we’ll be giving away an iPhone 5. The Meteor Choice Music Prize live event at Vicar Street, Dublin on Thursday, March 7 will feature 9 of the […]

Cassells Report Must Push Forward Publicly-Funded Higher Education Option

[…]the higher education sector in Ireland – “The higher education sector is at the heart of delivering on massive social and economic challenges, including providing better life opportunities for people from disadvantaged areas, training the skilled workers needed for a growing economy, and delivering major research and innovation projects to help solve the big problems of our time.” The second option is maintaining the current registration fee and increasing state investment to compliment the shortfall in higher education funding. The Union of Students in Ireland said this second option would be casually casting aside the recent research and surveys conducted […]
Read more » Cassells Report Must Push Forward Publicly-Funded Higher Education Option

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