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Students’ Unions providing food boxes as over 5,500 still without grant

[…]these costs. The chronic delay with grant payments is stretching the patience of landlords to breaking point. They are putting students under immense pressure to come up with payments that are now months overdue. USI is calling on the Minister to ensure that SUSI has all necessary resources to complete grant payments by the end of the month.” -ENDS- For more information contact USI Media and Communications Executive, Ronan Costello, on 085-1164263 or email […]
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National Students Action Group currently occupying the Department of Finance to demand action on student cost-of-living and accommodation crisis

[…]this lunchtime, and a number entered the building and intend to stay there until they can deliver a letter outlining their demands to one of the senior finance ministers. The main aim of the National Students Action Group, an offshoot of the national student movement, is to stage demonstrations and direct actions to directly tackle Government on the student cost-of-living crisis. In the letter, which is attached, they say: “We can no longer afford to be quiet about the terrible conditions currently impacting students and staff that are breaking the futures of Ireland’s youth, so we are speaking out.” The six […]
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Financial barriers & Social inequities have no place in Higher Education

[…]considerably less than what this State deems the lowest amount a young person can be expected to live off- The lowest rate of Jobseekers Allowance for an unqualified 18-19 year old, at €100 per week. For many, dropping out and going on the dole would be a short-term financial easing, and this is an unacceptable state of affairs which has caused great hardship, angst and strain to the youth of this country. If the devastation caused by last year’s SUSI grants processing debacle achieved one thing, it was to highlight the fundamental importance of the student maintenance grant to students […]
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USI joins forces with the Teachers’ Union of Ireland and launches ‘I Value Higher Education’ Petition

[…]collectively by society through general taxation, corporation tax and a higher education levy. The market model of student loan schemes is not appropriate; it places an unacceptable individual debt burden on students and commodifies higher education into a product which can be sold.” The magnitude of the funding cut over a relatively short period of time is having a profound impact on the sector’s capacity to function. In addition to the budget cuts, student tuition fees for undergraduate programmes have increased to €3,000 per year. The new proposed student loan scheme would deter students from applying to college and place […]
Read more » USI joins forces with the Teachers’ Union of Ireland and launches ‘I Value Higher Education’ Petition

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