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Housing shortage will increase college drop out

[…]daily to Dublin from extremely long distances. If you’re fortunate enough to find somewhere to live, the likelihood is that it’s costing significantly more, at a time when student finances are already past breaking point. Some opt to spend multiple nights sleeping on couches or in hostels every week, others aren’t even able to attain that. There is now a real danger that this will start to impact on retention rates and it requires immediate attention from Government.” Harmon’s warning comes less than a month before CAO offers are set for release. Parents and prospective students are already facing difficulties, […]
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The Spike in Rental Costs Could Push Students Away from Third Level Institutions

[…]students out of the private rental sector and away from third level institutions. According to the latest quarterly report by, rents rose nationwide by an average of 3.2% in the third quarter of 2015, the largest three-month increase since early 2007. Supply on the market is at its tightest on record, with just over 4,000 properties available to rent nationwide. “This spike in rental costs could make accommodation unaffordable to students and could push them out of the private rental sector and away from third level institutions,” Kevin Donoghue, President of the Union of Students in Ireland, said. “While […]
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Harmon alarmed by HEA college dropout findings

[…]cash terms and against inflation. We said many times that families and students were approaching a breaking point – and it’s clear from this report that that point has long been reached.  A review of the effectiveness of current grant levels needs to be quickly undertaken.” On the wider issue of student drop-out, she added: “I very much welcome the chair of the Higher Education Authority’s desire to get to the bottom of student dropout – and USI will of course support his efforts with solid evidence and representation from across the country.” Accommodation Crisis High among the reasons for […]
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EU Elections 2019

[…]with the Council of the EU, based on European Commission proposals) Supervisory (Democratic scrutiny of all EU institutions) Budgetary (Establishing the EU budget, together with the Council) Did you know that there’s an election in 2019? The next Elections to the European Parliament are expected to be held on the 23-26 May 2019. A total of 751 Members of the European Parliament currently represent some 500 million people from 28 member states Did you know that voting at EU eu level is actually easy? In the Republic of Ireland MEPs are elected via Single Transferable Vote which is conducted by […]

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