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Congress 2015 E-Clár

This is the E-Clár for USI Congress 2015. It’s the base for all USI Congress information, live and updated as it happens at Congress 2015. Timetable / Amchláir   Motions before […]

New USI Executive hosts Students’ Union Training for 2020-2021

The Union of Students in Ireland Executive team for 2020-2021 has hit the ground running in its first fortnight in office. With cross-over weeks and induction training done for the new executive, Wednesday (July 15) saw the start of the annual Students’ Union Training for SU officers from member organisations all across the island. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic public health measures, this year’s SUT takes place online, but the same extensive training programme remains in place. USI President, Lorna Fitzpatrick said: “We’re delighted that we’ve been able to move this event online and we hope everybody is […]
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The Week in USI Feb 4th – 10th, 2017

[…]before the campaign was set to launch. Vice President for Equality and Citizenship travelled to Brussels to a European Students’ Union (ESU) seminar on refugees and higher education. Watch our video for the USI elections […]

USI publishes views on higher education delivery for rest of semester one

[…]Unions and clubs and societies also need to be supported by their colleges to deliver activities to connect students with one another. The USI’s full Higher Education Delivery for Semester 1, which outlines the union’s full views and the supports that are required and been published today and is available here: HE Delivery For Semester 1 – […]
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Union of Students in Ireland to hold seminar on publicly funded higher education

News Release Release: 11/03/2015 Immediate Release Union of Students in Ireland to hold seminar on publicly funded higher education The Union of Students in Ireland will host a breakfast seminar on publicly funded higher education at the Department of Education and Skills on Thursday 12th March. The seminar, which will begin at 9.00am, will hear from students, second level students, researchers into economic and social policy and an international expert on higher education funding. Speaking in advance of the event, USI President Laura Harmon said: “The USI has a long standing policy advocating for public investment in higher education. Education […]
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