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USI ends partnership with Drinkaware, opting for independent alcohol awareness campaigns

[…]other issues. USI want to ensure that students’ health is at the forefront of any campaigns we run/support in the future. Accordingly, It has been determined we are not best served doing that in partnership with Drinkaware”. USI look forward to working independently with similarly positioned bodies and organisations as ourselves, in the future. Notes: Read the Irish Time’s coverage here and the letter sent to Meas chief executive Fionnuala Sheehan here. Take part in the Newstalk Poll: Do you think alcohol awareness campaigns can be effective if funded by the alcohol industry? here. For more information contact USI Communications and Research […]
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“Cost is a barrier to safe sex” says USI

[…]will be reviewed by a ‘rapid’ working group.   USI president Síona Cahill reacted to the news, saying:   “The Oireachtas committee on the eighth amendment was clear that access to contraception needed to be immediately reviewed, particularly regarding cost.   Students as a cohort have already been failed by a lack of sexual health education at post-primary level, and we are still being failed when it comes to actual access to contraceptives, and cost is most certainly a barrier.”   The USI believes that the ability to choose contraception is imperative for all students and those who are sexually […]

USI statement on the situation in Palestine

[…]on the Government of Ireland, the European Union and its allies to act immediately against the breaking of these fundamental international humanitarian laws. On October 9, Israeli Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, publicly showcased the disproportionate nature of the response of the state of Israel on the people of Gaza when he stated: “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we act accordingly.” This statement indicates a complete disregard for the lives of the people living under siege in Gaza, […]

USI Welcome the Re-Introduction of Postgraduate Grants and Encourage Students to Apply Early

[…]should make sure to get theirs in early.” “The last thing you want is to be without a grant or news of your grant come September because you didn’t apply on time” she stated. She also had advice for students who were having difficulty in their application process, “If you are struggling with the application call into your Students’ Union or call the SUSI helpline. There are people there to help if you are having any […]
Read more » USI Welcome the Re-Introduction of Postgraduate Grants and Encourage Students to Apply Early

USI urges Labour: Stand up for students

[…]Childers said, “[Labour’s] mandate with [its] members and the public is being stretched to breaking point.” She wrote of the need to discard the orthodoxy of austerity and urged parliamentarians to demand that Labour’s distinct policies be delivered. One of these policies is a commitment not to increase fees and to protect the maintenance grant. USI President John Logue said: “There is now a consensus building around the need to re-negotiate the Croke Park agreement. Pat Rabbitte, Brian Hayes, James Reilly and Leo Varadkar have joined Minister Quinn in his call for pay and pensions to be examined as a necessary […]

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