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USI tenders wide-ranging submission to Government review of SUSI

[…]financial costs incurred by students who live a distance from their college. This is particularly crucial for those living in rural areas, which are often poorly served by public transport. USI also believes qualifying students should have access to required financial supports regardless of their institution or course-type, once they are undertaking a course available through the CAO. The USI submission also highlights the unfairness of the reality that those under 23-years-old are currently automatically assessed as dependant, regardless of their actual living situation, unless they can prove estrangement from their family. Commenting on USI’s submission to the SUSI review, USI President, Lorna Fitzpatrick […]
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Action needed to show zero tolerance for sexual violence and harassment in third level education

[…]has the opportunity to take a stand on sexual violence and harassment, to make a difference in the lives of students, and to be a best practice role model for the rest of our […]
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SUSI urges students to submit their student grant applications before the July 13th deadline

[…]has the following message for students: “The processing of grant applications is once again running pretty smoothly. We are expecting to receive around 105,000 applications for the 2017/18 academic year. We have received 80,000 applications to-date and I would urge students to apply before the deadline of July 13th to ensure that their applications receive priority”. The national awarding authority has already awarded grants to more than 41,000 students for 2017/18, including 10,500 new students. Mr. Doyle added: “Leaving Certificate students should not wait until they receive their Leaving Certificate results and CAO offers late in August before applying to SUSI. […]
Read more » SUSI urges students to submit their student grant applications before the July 13th deadline

Students’ deportation order and hunger strike ‘explicitly demonstrate why the Direct Provision system must be ended’

[…]four years living in Direct Provision in Ireland – in the midst of a global pandemic. The news of the deportation order comes in the week that residents of Caheersiveen Direct Provision centre have undertaken a hunger strike in protest at the conditions in their residence. All at USI offer our full solidarity to the 32 people taking the action due to complaints about issues, including the rationing of food and water, not being taken seriously. The USI calls on Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee to immediately halt the deportation of the two students who faced prosecution and violence before […]
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USI Launches Seminar Series on ‘Women in Society’

[…]on what it’s like to be a woman in Ireland today The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is running a series of seminars in 2013 on the topic of ‘Women in Society’. The first seminar takes place this Monday in University College Cork at 7.30pm in the O’Rahilly Building. The purpose of the seminars is to generate a discussion around questions such as: What is it like to be a woman in Ireland today? Do we still need feminism? Why aren’t women represented more in the media and in politics? The seminars will feature a range of female speakers […]
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