Search results for "Дизайн человека Clubhouse Дизайн человека в Клабхаусе генераторы проекторы манифесторы"

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Global Undergraduate Awards

The Global Undergraduate Awards is currently accepting submissions to the 25 categories of its 2019 programme, open to all students in graduation years 2018, 2019 and 2020. [closing date: 11th June, 2019]   The programme is unique in offering global recognition for your undergraduate coursework, assessed by a panel of international academic experts. Winners also receive an all-expenses paid trip to The Global Undergraduate Summit in Dublin in November. All work must be anonymised and of a 2.1 grade or higher (predicted grades are accepted).   See full guidelines and submit for free online […]

Why Research Matters – Video Presentation Competition

Why Research Matters is a postgraduate video competition run by the Union of Students in Ireland and sponsored by the Irish Research Council. The goal is to put the creative minds of the island’s postgraduate research community to work to produce a short video presentation about your research, and why it matters. While we all remain at home it can be difficult to maintain the same level of continuity with our work, so why not remind yourselves and the country about the value of what you do and how it may someday advance knowledge and change lives? This call opens […]
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Blood For All campaign to end donation ban on MSM backed by USI

USI is proud to back the Blood For All campaign, which is calling for for an end to the ban on men who have sex with men donating blood for a year after sex. This should be done to end the unfair discrimination. However, would also help to tackle the shortage of donated blood available in Ireland right now // // // Tá AMLÉ ag tacú leis an bhfeachtas Blood For All atá ag iarraidh go gcuirfear deireadh leis an gcosc ar fir a mbíonn caidreamh collaí acu le fir eile fuil a dheonadh ar feadh bliain i ndiaidh chollaíochta. […]
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Operation #VoterMotor

On May 22nd, millions of Irish citizens will need to travel from their homes to local polling stations – but many people are registered far away from their work or study places.  VoterMotor aims to match up voters with the best option for them to travel and vote. Offer Love a Lift We’ve partnered with the excellent website – so if you’re heading home to vote, why not register your journey and bring someone else with you for the journey?  Offer a lift here. Get there with! Public Transport Irish Rail’s booking system means cheaper prices the earlier you […]

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