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USI welcomes funding for Student Housing Project Manager to Find Solution for Student Housing Crisis

[…]accommodation. “ has already proved to be absolutely vital for students across Ireland searching for accommodation.” USI President, Annie Hoey, said. “With the funding from the Department, USI will be able to better support the student accommodation crisis in sourcing and developing new, existing and potential accommodation for college students across Ireland.” NOTES: Link to the Rebuilding Ireland, the Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness – Link to ‘digs’ accommodation website – […]
Read more » USI welcomes funding for Student Housing Project Manager to Find Solution for Student Housing Crisis

Student Summit 2016 Will Launch in Dublin Castle on the 4th February!

[…]head-to-head in front of an audience and a panel of judges, who will vote for the winner. Submission rules: Upload a 2 minute video to YouTube with your business pitch and send the link to Please note: Applicants must put ‘Student Summit 16’ in the video title before their name and ‘application’ at the end. For example, ‘Student Summit 16 John Smith application’. What we are looking for: New product ideas, new business ideas or new service ideas – either at infancy or development stage. Rules of Application: All applicants must be second or third level students. All applicants […]
Read more » Student Summit 2016 Will Launch in Dublin Castle on the 4th February!

Accommodation FAQs

[…]to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants and to operate a system of tenancy registration. Landlords and tenants may refer disputes to the PRTB for resolution. For more information please visit Threshold, National Housing Charity is based in Dublin, Galway and Cork and advises people on their housing rights. For more information please visit  If I experience accommodation issues during the year who should I contact? If a problem does arise, try first to settle your differences directly with the landlord. If this does not help contact your Students’ Union for advice and to be referred on to someone […]

Tacaíonn AMLÉ le hagóid thábhachtach ar son chearta na Gaeilge ag Stáisiún Grand Central Bhéal Feirste

[…]Students in Ireland fully supports the protest that took place at the Belfast Grand Central Station on Thursday over the lack Irish signage at the new transport hub in a blatant disregard of Irish language rights. The move by Northern Ireland’s public transport operator, Translink, to open Belfast Grand Central Station without any provision for dual-language signage is extremely disappointing and USI welcomes the action by An Dream Dearg to demand our basic language rights be upheld. An Dream Dearg have been seeking to engage with Translink on this issue since 2022 to ensure this did not happen. USI Leas […]
Read more » Tacaíonn AMLÉ le hagóid thábhachtach ar son chearta na Gaeilge ag Stáisiún Grand Central Bhéal Feirste

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