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Bank of Ireland cuts interest rates for postgraduate student loans to just 5.5% (5.6% APR)

[…]to work out what level of study you can commit to. ·           Keep an eye on the jobs market – Keep ahead of the game by focusing on postgraduate courses that you know will give you a competitive advantage in the […]
Read more » Bank of Ireland cuts interest rates for postgraduate student loans to just 5.5% (5.6% APR)

Voter Registration

[…]be removed from the register for that area. The amended Register of Electors is published on 1 February and comes into force on 15 February. What happens if I want to register after November 25th? After November 25th you will need to apply to be on the Supplemental Register of Electors. You must complete form RFA2 and have it stamped by a member of An Garda Siochana. You can make this application at any time, but in order to be included in the supplement used at an election, your application must be received by your local authority at least 15 […]

USI calls for key supports for students ahead of the new academic year

[…]and must be done ahead of the new academic year, but if not, then in Budget 2021 by the absolute latest. It is not right that students have to struggle to pay the same fees when there is such uncertainty about their future. “USI conducted research earlier this year to understand how COVID-19 was impacting students and one of the key recommendations from this research was that provisions be put in place for students who do not have access to devices or have poor WiFi. There also must be extra financial supports made available for for students through SUSI, the […]
Read more » USI calls for key supports for students ahead of the new academic year

Urgent action needed to address abortion access inequality

[…]terminations on medical grounds. “Many don’t have access to abortion because of where they live and we still have the three day wait period and no access to abortion after 12 weeks, or 10 weeks in the north. This is not free, safe, legal and local abortion and that is what we need.” USI is also calling for the south to follow the example of the north, where safe access zones were introduced earlier this month. Abortion should also be available at all healthcare trusts in Northern Ireland and there should be an all-island approach to abortion care for anyone […]
Read more » Urgent action needed to address abortion access inequality

Union of Students in Ireland statement on Irish AIDS Day 2021

[…]since the first AIDS case was diagnosed in Ireland in 1982. The Union of Students in Ireland renews its calls on Government to invest in the expansion of HIV testing services across Ireland. If we are serious about reversing HIV cases, we need to invest in HIV testing, we must ensure barrier-free access to PrEP and sexual health clinics and services across Ireland with a serious focus on ending HIV-related stigma in Ireland. As Ireland comes out of the COVID-19 pandemic, we look to the Government’s robust response to the COVID-19 pandemic and urge the Government to commit the same […]
Read more » Union of Students in Ireland statement on Irish AIDS Day 2021

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