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USI Wins At GALAS 2017

[…]journey, and it is imperative on all of us, LGBTI+ or not, to work harder to make the society we live and work in a better, more understanding one. Often this means challenging the status quo or the way we always saw ‘the world’, and that can be unsettling, but it’s absolutely necessary. ‘I am honoured to receive this award with USI and thank those shortlisted for the work they do for students.’ Shortlisted for this award were, ‘Out in UL’, ‘GiG Soc (NUI Galway)’, ‘DCU LGBTA Society’. The GALAS were set up by GCN and the National LGBT Federation […]

USI, ICTU & ISSU Collaborate to Tackle Youth Jobs Crisis

[…]Union (ISSU), have called for an end to the ‘lock-out’ of young people from the jobs market and proposed a range of measures to improve access to the workplace and enhance employment skills. The three organisations are seeking joint meetings with “all relevant government ministers and departments” on foot of the proposals. The measures are contained in a new, joint publication – Locked out? Investing in a Future for Youth –  launched today at 11.30am, DIT Aungier Street. The document is the result of a collaborative process between all three organisations, collectively representing more than one million people and includes a number […]
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HEA Chief breaks with Government on cut of postgraduate grants

[…]to ensure fairness and to remove arbitrary ‘cliffs’ in relation to the distance a student must live from their institution in order to qualify for assistance. Students’ Union Training is organised by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI). USI President John Logue said: “Tom Boland’s statement on this issue re-affirms what USI has known all along: that the decision to cut the postgraduate maintenance grant was hastily made and with little thought of the longterm consequences for both students and the State. Postgraduate qualifications are becoming a pre-requisite for many high-skilled jobs. With his decision to cut the maintenance grant, […]
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USI and the Y Factor launch Gender Conference 2014 in NUI Galway

[…]and takes place in NUI Galway from today with introductions and registrations (Friday 28th February 17.30pm) and the main conference is on Saturday March 1st from 9.30am until 5pm. Modules will include Pro-Choice Activism, Trans* Activism and modules relating to reproductive health rights, anti-sexual violence campaigns and LGBTQ Health. USI Vice President for Equality and Citizenship Laura Harmon said: ”We are really delighted to be co-hosting this event with the Y-Factor. Students on campuses across the country are doing amazing work on gender equality issues and we wanted to foster links between activists and facilitate the sharing of ideas by bringing them […]
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USI Equality Policy

[…]Ireland has always been a force for the recognition and realisation of equality in Ireland.  The latest policy on equality, adopted in 2012, reinforces this commitment. Adopted by National Council on 22 September 2012 Equality Policy 1.Principles: The Union of Students in Ireland is an inclusive organisation that values equality and diversity. Services provided by the Union of Students in Ireland are available to all areas of the membership who will be supported to be equally able to access them. As an employer, the Union of Students in Ireland will not tolerate any form of direct and indirect discrimination. This […]

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