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Union of Students in Ireland launches J1 Guide 2016

[…]early so that they have time to organise a job in advance. The main Irish J1 agents are currently running placement programmes to help students secure a summer job in the US. “We’re urging students to get involved now with the job placement process so they can take up the roles that are on offer”, Donoghue said. “Once students have a job secured, they’ll have all the hard work done and be able to look forward to a great summer in the US.” Speaking in advance of the launch, Minister Jimmy Deenihan said: “The J1 Summer Work and Travel programme […]
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USI backs call for an urgent increase to postgraduate research stipends

[…]role in the advancement of Irish society and the economy and they should not be expected to live on such low rates of pay. “The announcement from the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science that 400 doctoral students will be recruited through a public-private partnership on a €28,000 annual stipend, without increasing the pay for the 10,000 existing postgraduate research students, would be completely inequitable and unfair. This open letter, which I have signed on behalf of USI, calls for all stipends to be increased to €28,000 in order to address inflation, the housing and cost-of-living […]
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Students across island of Ireland urge TDs to sign pledge and join USI’s new Education for All campaign

[…]could reshape our country’s recovery. For instance, every €1 invested into higher education, delivers a €4 return to the wider economy. Higher education funding will boost economic activity, create jobs and further enhance innovation and investment into Ireland.”  Explaining what will be involved in Education for All, USI Vice President for Campaigns, Craig McHugh said: “Today across Ireland, students will be staging socially distanced protests calling for urgent action on higher education funding in order to make sure that there is Education for All across this island. The USI and Students’ Unions will be encouraging students to get involved in […]
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Disappointing Budget 2022 confirms USI view that Government has no interest in addressing the hardship many students face

[…]been dogged with stories about students sleeping on couches, living in hostels and a SU foodbank running out, Budget 2022 has confirmed the Union of Students’ in Ireland’s view that this Government has no interest in addressing the hardship that many students face. With no deduction made to the Student Contribution Charge and no significant announcement on student accommodation or a plan to publicly fund third-level education, the Government has told students that they are not interested in making the changes needed to open access to higher education. Even the changes to the SUSI Student Maintenance Grant, which are welcome, […]
Read more » Disappointing Budget 2022 confirms USI view that Government has no interest in addressing the hardship many students face

Galway woman elected new President of the Union of Students in Ireland at Congress

[…]Team by nine new faces, as the President-elect was the only sitting member of the team for run for election. Due to the on-going public health restrictions, USI Congress was held via Zoom with delegates voting online for the 2021-2022 Executive Team and numerous policies and motions. Congress was also streamed live on Facebook so students could watch the action as it happened. Speaking after her election, Clare explained that there is a lot of work ahead for the union as it seeks to get students back on campus is a safe manner in the new academic year and deals […]
Read more » Galway woman elected new President of the Union of Students in Ireland at Congress

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