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USI Announces National Demonstration For Publicly Funded Higher Education

[…]pushing the best and brightest to emigrate. USI fears graduates would be pushed out of the housing market as evidence from New Zealand shows that 51% of banks that received applications from clients with student debt had indicated that student loans were the contributing factor in rejecting finance – with 34% of those likely to be rejected being mortgages. The demonstration is supported by members of the Coalition for Publicly Funded Higher Education including the Irish Second Level Students’ Union, SIPTU, IMPACT, TUI, IFUT and the National Youth Council of Ireland. USI is campaigning for the Government to rule out […]
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Students urged to register to vote ahead of November deadline

[…]by USI. More recent reports have made similar recommendations. Registered Irish voters that live outside Ireland should also be facilitated to vote at Irish embassies or consulates. There are currently 115 nations that facilitate voting for their citizens abroad in one form or another. Reforming the Seanad should also be a key task of the Electoral Commission. Lorna said: “We welcome Senator Malcolm Byrne’s Universities Bill to expand voting rights to graduates of all Higher Education Institutions as a step forward, but we believe the system of graduate voting remains elitist and should be removed. All citizens should have the right […]
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Students Prepare for Fairtrade Fortnight

[…]to speak about the positive impacts creating a Fairtrade community can have on people’s lives. Speaking ahead of Fairtrade Fortnight, USI President Síona Cahill said: “This is a perfect example of acting locally but thinking globally. Sara is a young international business student, much like many of our members. We are really looking forward to hearing how our actions and decisions go beyond a simple cup of coffee and have a positive impact on the world we live in.” USI Vice President for Equality & Citizenship, Aisling Cusack added: “Students have responded to the need to reduce single use plastics […]

Students Nationwide Stand Against Coca-Cola in #TasteZeroRights campaign

[…]employees are represented by a legally recognised union, we are committed to establishing a constructive dialogue with their freely chosen representatives. The company is committed to bargaining in good faith with such representatives.’ The company are clearly in breach of their own human rights policy by failing to engage in collective bargaining with SIPTU and its members. There has been serious escalations in Trade Union activity due to the blocking of unionising rights for workers in both the Ballina Breweries and in the UK. On the 12th of March, National Union of Students in the UK (NUS UK) wrote to […]
Read more » Students Nationwide Stand Against Coca-Cola in #TasteZeroRights campaign

USI Student General Election Manifesto 2016

[…]and those responsible must now ensure that it is our most vulnerable who are the first to see the fruits of our recovery. No party who has served in government in the last generation can abdicate responsibility for the situation we are now in. However young people and students are not interested in political point scoring and the tit-for-tat remarks that dominate our political conversations. Young people want candidates and political parties to demonstrate kind of leadership that befits the positions they seek and to map out a clear path to strong, sustainable future. The Union of Students in Ireland […]

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