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USI and We’re Not Leaving Ask: “Social Welfare Bill: Which Side Are You On Senators?”

[…]million in total emigrated since the recession began the majority of them young. Asking people to live on €100 per week until they are 24 is a kick in the teeth to a generation that is already struggling with joblessness, emigration, fee hikes, unpaid internships and other problems. The banking levy already amounts to an €850 million rebate to the banks compared with the lending guarantee it replaces. We propose an increase of €32 million to the levy – or 3.75% of the value of that rebate – to reverse these cuts. It’s time that young people were seen as […]
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USI Calls for a Living Wage: Submission to the Low Pay Commission 2017

[…]“As home is in Donegal, there is a rough distance of 250km between the college and where I live and work on the weekends. I also suffer from Crohn’s Disease and must get a form of treatment done every 8 weeks in the Letterkenny hospital near home and this requires me to miss college. It is both expensive and timely to travel home every weekend, in order to earn some cash, that half of it goes back into petrol to make the journey back on a Sunday night. Half my weekly wage goes into earning the other half and it […]
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USI Call For A Living Wage For Students Across Ireland

[…]“As home is in Donegal, there is a rough distance of 250km between the college and where I live and work on the weekends. I also suffer from Crohn’s Disease and must get a form of treatment done every 8 weeks in the Letterkenny hospital near home and this requires me to miss college. It is both expensive and timely to travel home every weekend, in order to earn some cash, that half of it goes back into petrol to make the journey back on a Sunday night. Half my weekly wage goes into earning the other half and it […]
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USI to host nationwide series of Public Meetings on cost of college and Budget 2013

[…]the threatened increases to fees and cuts to the grant. Quick Statistics Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn has said that families will have to pay €3,000 in fees per student every year by 2015. By the end of Quinn’s tenure, he will have increased fees by €1,000 despite pledging to oppose any increases. This constitutes the largest increase to fees made by a Minister for Education since fees were abolished in 1996. Since Budget 2010, the maintenance grant has been cut by 11%. The average weekly rate of the maintenance grant is now €84, yet the absolute minimum the State […]
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USI Launch 21 Day Energy Saving Challenge in GMIT

[…]houses are up to scratch and up to standard so that when students are going through their academic lives in a safe environment.”   SSE Airtricity Managing Director, Klair Neenan said: “SSE Airtricity is delighted to partner with the Union of Students in Ireland to launch the 21 Day Challenge. Over the next three weeks, we hope students around Ireland will see the benefits of making more sustainable choices and saving energy.  At SSE Airtricity, we believe this is Generation Green. Making small changes to our daily lives, like how we make a cup of tea, can make a big […]
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