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USI Congress 2014 Elects Laura Harmon as the new USI President.

[…]hour contracts and for a living wage to be introduced in this country so that people can work to live as opposed to work to survive.  USI will continue to work with trade unions and organisations that have similar values to achieve our collective goals. USI has turned a corner and it is my intention to assert the student voice at the forefront of social justice and social change.  We have a proud history on campaigning for equality and we cannot afford to be an insular organisation. We will continue to take a holistic approach in how we represent our […]
Read more » USI Congress 2014 Elects Laura Harmon as the new USI President.

USI Physical Health Strategy

[…]morning lectures. Examples of which are high fibre varieties of cereals and breads, a glass of fruit juice, include lots of fruit with bread/cereal and use low fat milks for your cereal or cup of tea/coffee. 2. Try to eat 3 varied meals a day – fuelling your body with a variety of nutrients will give you plenty of energy to stay awake in class, study for exams and spend time with friends. Use the food pyramid for guidance and ideas. 3. Bring a packed lunch with you to college as this saves you money. 4. Keep treats as treats […]

USI Student Summit 2014: What is life as a young startup really like?

[…]with us. Next up is young tech savvy entrepreneur Richard Whelan: Popdeem Popdeem is a social marketing platform that allows brands to reward their customers for sharing local experiences. The system allows marketers to identify and activate their most influential customers to spark peer-to-peer conversation and drive word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing. Brands can avail of their own custom branded social rewards app or integrate Popdeem into existing apps using the Popdeem Mobile SDK. In 2013, Popdeem launched their own local rewards app with 15 local businesses in Dublin. The company was founded by Richard Whelan (CEO) and Gavin Hayes (COO) and […]
Read more » USI Student Summit 2014: What is life as a young startup really like?

National Affairs

[…]Campaign, it must be done through USI, who are registered. Congress mandates USI Officer Board: To run a Voter Registration Campaign every September/October, to provide help to CO’s running Voter Registration Campaigns, to make officers available on the ground to COs, and to approve all CO information etc for any Voter Registration Campaign. 11 NA 3         An Ghaeilge don Ardteistiméireacht Aithníonn an chomhdháil: Go bhfuil an Ghaeilge mar ábhar éigeantach don Ardteistiméireacht faoi láthair Aithníonn an chomhdháil ar lean: Go bhfuil roinnt fadhbanna ann leis an curaclam mar atá sé agus roinnt moltaí ar conas gur féidir linn é a […]

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