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USI Newsletters

[…]to Sign up to the newsletter below! Subscribe to our mailing list and get news on campaigns, events and what your national union is doing for you: Enter your email address and hit […]

Union of Students in Ireland marks World Mental Health Day 2020 with day of action and letter to Minister Simon Harris

[…]after your mental health is intrinsic to overall well-being. USI is also welcoming the publication on the day of the National Student Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Framework, which the union and its members were proud to be involved in producing. The focus of USI actions on World Mental Health Day is support and connecting with one another – from raising awareness of services that are available to students and the wider population, to checking-in with family, friends and the wider college community, to reaching out and asking for professional help when needed. USI sat on the working group and […]
Read more » Union of Students in Ireland marks World Mental Health Day 2020 with day of action and letter to Minister Simon Harris

USI marks World Suicide Prevention Day 2020

[…]funding for student mental health services. USI Vice President for Welfare, Clare Austick said: “On World Suicide Prevention Day 2020, the USI and all its members remember all those who have died by suicide and their families, friends and loved ones who have been affected. Suicide is devastating and it is so important that as many people as possible know the signs and are aware of the supports and resources that are available if they or those close to them are having suicidal thoughts. It is ok to be not ok, and it is ok to ask for help.” “We […]

USI writes to Government on World Eating Disorders Day 2021

[…]Minister Stephen Donnelly and Minister Mary Butler, We write to you on behalf of 374, 000 students on World Eating Disorder Day asking you to urgently assess the inadequate, under-resourced and underfunded eating disorder support services available in Ireland, with the intention of improving the services rapidly to meet the needs of the population. Eating disorders are more common than we think with many third level students developing eating disorders over the duration of their college terms. Bodywhys, the Eating Disorders Association of Ireland, reported that there has been a significant increase in people seeking their services, particularly the online […]
Read more » USI writes to Government on World Eating Disorders Day 2021

On World Suicide Prevention Day, USI calls for necessary investment to bring the number of student counsellors up to recommended ‘safe and ethical’ levels

[…]they need extra help to look after their mental wellbeing. “We tell students not to struggle alone and to reach out for help when they need it, but we have to make sure that they can access that help if they do reach out and that they’re not left struggling on the bottom of a waiting list. “But we do want to emphasis to students that even though counselling services are under-resourced and sometimes there are waiting lists, campus counselling services will set aside emergency appointments for students who are in urgent need for support. So don’t let waiting lists be […]
Read more » On World Suicide Prevention Day, USI calls for necessary investment to bring the number of student counsellors up to recommended ‘safe and ethical’ levels

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