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USI Welcomes May Referendum Date

[…]to call for a repeal of this amendment. The student movement has historically led the discussion on reproductive rights and healthcare in this country, and we will ensure student voices are at ballot boxes on May 25th.” Mr Kerrigan added, “No one under the age of 53 has had the opportunity to vote on this issue, and arguably it affects our future generations more than any other. UK Department of Health statistics show that over a quarter of those giving Irish addresses with their services are women between 18-24 years of age. USI will campaign for repeal of the 8th […]

The Week in USI 28th Jan – 3rd Feb, 2017

[…]for the Student Achievement Awards Ireland 2017 are now open. Click here for more information and to enter. Policy and Campaigns: The Vice President for Equality & Citizenship was appointed by the National Youth Council of Ireland to the National Government oversight committee of the LGBT Youth Strategy after a competitive process. USI successfully awarded grant funding from the European Students’ Union towards work at HEI’s around refugee inclusion. USI hosted the USI Women Lead Project 2017 over the weekend with Accenture. The Vice President for Welfare met with the Psychological Counsellors in Third level Colleges (PCHEI) meeting in regards to staff and […]

President’s Media Links

RTE Morning Edition: Emigration in Ireland (Skip to 1:05:30) 25/11/2013 or click here for short clip. Let’s hope the Government remember students when it comes to Budget sums 14/10/13 The Independent USI Launch No Campaign in the Seanad Referendum 11/09/13 Newstalk Students to Resist Cuts to Grants RTE 19/08/13 TV3 Ireland AM: USI President on College […]

Vulnerable students should be housed in empty accommodation

[…]guidelines have been extremely difficult on students who live in cramped or overcrowded situations and do not have the space to study. USI Equality and Citizenship Vice-President Megan Reilly welcomed news that the Department of Justice and Equality has written to university presidents urging them to provide alternative accommodation for students in Direct Provision. Megan said: “Students in Direct Provision are in very tough circumstances during these times. They do not have the space or privacy in which to study and get their college work done. They are most likely sharing rooms with the rest of their family or others. […]
Read more » Vulnerable students should be housed in empty accommodation

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