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Dundalk IT hosts Mental Health Day to Challenge Stigma and See Change on Campus

[…]be ashamed to seek help and no-one should ever have to suffer in silence.” DkIT Students’ Union and DkIT Student Counselling Service will provide workshops and information sessions on the day as well as formally launching DkIT Mental Health Guidelines. As part of their on-going support on campus, DkIT Student Counselling Service will also be facilitating the “Living Life to the Full” programme in conjunction with AWARE from the 17th of November. USI Vice President for Welfare Denise McCarthy said: “As the cost of college increases every year, students and families are subject to significant financial stress which can lead […]
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New review of Student Grant Scheme welcomed by USI

[…]Grant Scheme announced today by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, according to the Union of Students in Ireland. Welcoming news of a wide-ranging review of the grants operated by SUSI, USI has called for thorough engagement with stakeholders including students and their representatives. USI President, Lorna Fitzpatrick said: “USI has been campaigning for years for a full review of the SUSI support scheme. SUSI is a vital part of ensuring students have access to third level education but at the moment it does not fully meet the needs of students. So we welcome this […]
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Free Education is a Viable option at Third Level

[…]we can do it. The writing is on the walls and in the paper – free education is a viable option and not the pipe dream so many people would make it out to be.” Donoghue maintains that politicians should be delighted at the news. “Time and again politicians have argued that free third level education would be great if it was viable. Well now we are being told that it is.” USI is calling on political groups to ensure that a move to fully publicly-funded education is included in programme for government. “Considering our reliance on a highly educated […]
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USI launches Students for Marriage Equality campaign

[…]to civil marriage in Ireland is one of the most important civil rights issues of our generation and that students  have a valuable role to play in making this a reality. At the official launch of Students for Marriage Equality, plans for the coming months on how to win the referendum will be outlined, along with hearing first-hand accounts of why marriage equality is important to individual students. USI President, Laura Harmon, said: “Students have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make Ireland more equal in the upcoming referendum on marriage equality. It is clear that students want to live in a more inclusive and egalitarian society. Access to marriage […]
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