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Students Victorious with 4% Rent Caps in PBSA

[…]to go to a report stage in the Dáil and then through the Seanad. The Union of Students in Ireland and it’s members were commended on the work done thus far on the matter around the table of the Oireachtas Housing Committee. The student movement has been a driving force behind this change, having had representatives on the Oireachtas Housing Committee twice this year. USI President, Síona Cahill welcomes the news stating; “Students have been suffering at the hands of rogue landlords and a crushingly expensive rental market from the moment that the housing market began to rise again. It […]
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The Students for Marriage Equality Archive – Making Grá the Law

[…]officers, USI launches its campaign for Marriage Equality   July 2012 UCD Students’ Union and Union Students of Ireland (USI) staged a mock same-sex wedding ceremony outside Department of the Taoiseach to call for full marriage equality for gay couples ahead of the March for Marriage Equality protest march on August 12th. Pictured was USI President John Logue officiating the ceremony between the happy couple Rachel Breslin and Daisy Onubogu with the support of representatives of UCD Students’ Union and LGBT youth activists.   2013 USI makes a submission to the Constitutional Convention which will see 79% of its members […]
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Union of Students in Ireland to hold seminar on publicly funded higher education

[…]will host a breakfast seminar on publicly funded higher education at the Department of Education and Skills on Thursday 12th March. The seminar, which will begin at 9.00am, will hear from students, second level students, researchers into economic and social policy and an international expert on higher education funding. Speaking in advance of the event, USI President Laura Harmon said: “The USI has a long standing policy advocating for public investment in higher education. Education is a public good and the bedrock for the development of a sustainable economy and a vibrant society. Students in Ireland and their families are […]
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Fine Gael Meeting with the Union of Students in Ireland to talk about their Pre-Budget Submission

The Union of Students in Ireland and Fine Gael’s Junior Minister for Education, Damien English, met in Leinster House yesterday to discuss the student accommodation crisis and the impact the Budget will have on financially struggling students across Ireland. Fine Gael’s Junior Minister for Education, Damien English, and USI president, Kevin Donoghue, at Leinster House “There is 40% less space available to students than there was last year.” USI president Kevin Donoghue said “This, along with the fact that rent has risen nationally by 8.2% over the last twelve months, forces students to spend multiple nights sleeping on couches or […]
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