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Budget 2015 Response

[…]students and families. Today, the job begins to create a coalition for education to promote education and its outputs and make an election issue out of the value and cost of college. Education funded properly can be the spark to ignite our economy – students want to be that […]

Higher Education Performance Targets nothing to be afraid of

[…]reported in yesterday’s Irish Independent, with a view to increasing the quality of the education and student experience being offered to Irish third-level students. Many of the areas which the performance targets will measure, such as student retention, participation in research, employability, a focus on disadvantaged groups and teaching and learning excellence, are fundamentally in line with USI policy in delivering the highest possible quality Higher Education system which can act as a vehicle for economic recovery. However, USI also cautions against HEI’s drifting from their core strengths and student needs in their pursuit of targets and criteria, and on […]
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Dont Be Afraid: Do Something

[…]Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence). For more information on USI contact USI Communications & Research Executive Grainne O’Reilly on 087-6776636, or […]

Steps on how to Register To Vote

[…]European elections are just weeks away and the clock is ticking on the deadline the for inclusion on the supplementary register of electors (4 days away, Tuesday May 6th 2014). It is vital that young people ensure they are eligible to cast a ballot on Friday, May 23rd. Remember: It is a bank holiday this weekend so your local authority will be closed on Monday, May 5th. Below are the steps on how to get registered: Download the RFA2 form to fill out if you want to register to vote by clicking on either link below and saving. Inclusion in Supplement […]

Action needed to show zero tolerance for sexual violence and harassment in third level education

[…]in June, which found that 29% of female, 10% of male, and 28% of non-binary students reported “non-consensual penetration by incapacitation, force, or threat of force during their time in college”. The USI has contacted Sexual Violence Centre CEO Mary Crilly to reiterate the union’s support for the centre and its important campaign for a zero-tolerance approach to the problem. USI Vice-President for Welfare, Clare Austick said: “While a lot of work has been done in raising awareness of issues around consent, this report yet again shows the extent of this problem for students. Our recent Sexual Experiences Survey highlighted […]
Read more » Action needed to show zero tolerance for sexual violence and harassment in third level education

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