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SUSI urges students to submit their student grant applications before the July 13th deadline

[…]our link with the CAO. Importantly, students should make sure that they have ticked the SUSI option on their CAO forms to allow us to confirm this information. We have already awarded almost 10,500 such students, which is great news. I would encourage students who are thinking of applying for a student grant to visit our website where they can review information about the eligibility criteria for student grant funding. In particular, they should use our online ‘grant eligibility reckoner’ where they can quickly, and easily, self-assess whether they may/may not be entitled to a student grant. Students are also encouraged […]
Read more » SUSI urges students to submit their student grant applications before the July 13th deadline

USI Irish Language Policy

[…]within the Union of Students in Ireland. They will provisional standing in terms of the function and work of the USI until National Congress 2013, when they will be they will be put before the organisation. 1. Publications a. All principle documentation (policies, lobbying documents etc.) shall be printed bi-lingually, in case of existing policy they will be translated on a continuing basis from here on out. The V.P. Irish, while having overall responsibility for this work will consult with the relevant officer when necessary. b. In the case of materials printed with time constaints – less than three weeks […]

Students’ deportation order and hunger strike ‘explicitly demonstrate why the Direct Provision system must be ended’

[…]Justice, Helen McEntee to immediately halt the deportation of the two students who faced prosecution and violence before seeking asylum in Ireland and the urgent abolishment of the oppressive system of Direct Provision. Last week, Minister for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, Roderic O’Gorman said he wanted to take the “meanness” out of Direct Provision. But USI believes the system is fundamentally racist and oppressive to asylum seekers and must be ended now and replaced with a humane system that values dignity over profit. The Programme for Government commits to ending Direct Provision and not reformatting it or making it less mean. […]
Read more » Students’ deportation order and hunger strike ‘explicitly demonstrate why the Direct Provision system must be ended’

USI Launches Seminar Series on ‘Women in Society’

[…]of managers; make up 12% of board members in the biggest publicly-listed companies across the EU and only 3% chair company boards. Women are also under-represented in the media, making up less than one in four of the voices on Irish radio news and current affairs broadcasting. In General Election 2011, just 15% of those elected were women. Over 5,000 women travel abroad every year to get an abortion. Laura Harmon, USI Vice-President for Equality & Citizenship said: “We are excited to be holding these seminars on campuses across the country and we hope that discussions will be generated around […]
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The Week in USI Feb 4th – 10th, 2017

[…]for the Student Achievement Awards Ireland 2017 are now open. Click here for more information and to enter. USI attended WIT Students’ Union class representative council and a Repeal the 8th debate hosted by WIT FLAC society. USI hosted a meeting in IT Blanchardstown for Students’Union Officers to discuss policies and motions for USI Congress 2017. USI held a National Council meeting in IT Blanchardstown where Students’Union Officers discussed campaigns, academic affairs, welfare, equality and national issues. Policy and Campaigns: The Vice President for Welfare attended the Students Sport Ireland Board meeting. USI pledged support to students in Northern Ireland ahead of the […]

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