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USI publishes views on higher education delivery for rest of semester one

[…]and essential student supports must be put in place by Government and institutions and a focus put on online teaching and learning in order to provide clarity for the rest of this semester, according to the Union of Students in Ireland. Having consulted USI’s member organisations and considered an independent report carried out in the UK on COVID-19 outbreaks among students there, USI says a decision needs to be made to keep college learning online – except for courses that necessitate in person delivery – while ensuring students are properly supported. USI President, Lorna Fitzpatrick explained that students and the […]
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Minister McEntee launches National Student Mental Health Campaign with USI

[…]Mental Health Project Manager will integrate national level partnerships with local Students’ Unions and develop a core student-focused approach to mental health in Ireland. The project will provide ongoing advice and support to students via campaign messaging, training for student leaders and the development of workshops for students to be run out across the country in third level institutions. This project will run for 9 months. USI will be recruiting a full-time Mental health Project Manager. Applications for the role mentioned are already live. Candidates can apply for the job here: […]
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USI hosts Oireachtas lobby day to outline student priorities for Budget 2024

[…]Day was to ensure Oireachtas members were aware of the six key issues for students before decisions on Budget 2024 start to be made.    Some 39 TDs and Senators attended the Lobby Day – a list of who attended, or sent a representative, is included at the bottom of this statement.    The six areas highlighted by student representatives on the day, were: 1. Student accommodation  2. Student finances  3. Public transport  4. Postgraduate and international student supports  5. Ring-fenced mental health support funding  6. Funding for Tréimhse Foghlama sa Ghaeltacht (Gaeltacht placement for student teachers)    USI Vice President for Campaigns, Zaid Al-Barghouthi said: “From reviewing the Summer […]
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Student Challenge

[…]students in Europe and enhance their and the EC’s understanding of the dynamics of digitisation and its impact on our economic and societal developments. Students wishing to participate in this Challenge are invited to write a 250 word contribution “What would you have talked about if you had been a speaker?” on one of the four issues of the conference. Participating students are invited to send their texts before January 31, 2019. A jury of DG Competition officials will select the best three entries for each panel category. Entries will be assessed on analysis and originality and on their relevance […]

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