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Letter to Mr Leo Varadkar T.D. Minister for Social Protection

[…]to this ideal then now is the time to demonstrate it. On behalf of the Union of Students in Ireland and the 354,000 students we represent on both sides of the border, we ask that you take the necessary action to help Erica and the thousands like her who deserve support. Le meas, Annie Hoey President The Union of Students in Ireland Jack Leahy Deputy President The Union of Students in […]
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USI Submission to National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP)

[…]must recognise the need to engage with young people where they are looking for information and support that is outside of the school/college setting. According to the My World Survey, 77% of young people surveyed reported they would be likely to use the internet as a source of help. In addition to this the young people were asked about ways that help them cope when things are tough. The most frequently reported ways of coping were friends, talking, music, family and exercise. We must use this when engaging with young people.  We must commend the work being done by various […]
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Share the gLove

[…]Research shows that depression affects LGBT people at higher rates than the heterosexual population, and it is hoped that this initiative could help improve wellbeing too. All profits from the sale of the gloves will go to two charities. 50% of the profit will go to Aware NI and the other 50% will go to the Rainbow Project. Ruairí Mooney, who helped create the Share the gLove initiative and is a student who plays Gaelic football for Eoghan Rua, Coleraine said: “This initiative will help everyone to feel accepted and welcome into the GAA community. The Share the gLove campaign […]

NUS-USI and USI join forces to encourage students to vote #Bremain in Brexit referendum

[…]for young people. NUS-USI and USI said that new border controls between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland could potentially damage years of progress in peace, economic and social relations between Ireland and the UK. “The European Union has consistently helped to shape a more stable, cohesive and prosperous society in Northern Ireland.” Fergal McFerran, NUS-USI President, said. “When students and young people go to the polls on Thursday I urge them to do so reflecting on the vast array of opportunities that our membership of the EU secures – not just for our generation, but for generations to […]
Read more » NUS-USI and USI join forces to encourage students to vote #Bremain in Brexit referendum

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