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International Affairs Policy

[…]to Ukrainian citizens.  The Coiste Gnó to lobby the Department of Higher and Further Education and Skills for students who were studying in Ukraine to be able to continue their studies in Ireland.  The Coiste Gnó to lobby the Department of Higher and Further Education and Skills for recognition to be given to students for prior learning prior to arriving in Ireland.  USI to continue to work with stakeholders to expand our capacity in Higher level Education to incorporate as many refugee students as possible.    2022 EM (IA) 9: Military Expansion and NATO Motion Proposed by UCC Students’ Union  […]

Citizenship Policies

[…]mean is anticipated by mid-century. Congress notes The Irish government needs to take action on climate change and climate injustice in Ireland and the Irish Government need to align itself with its commitments to the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and do their part in lowering our carbon emissions to the point where we can limit global climate change to a 1.5ºC average warming target above pre-industrial levels. Congress Notes with Concern That Ireland was the second country in the world to declare a ‘Climate & Biodiversity Emergency’ in 2019, however, in the exact same year, Ireland exceeded its annual EU […]

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