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USI Student General Election Manifesto 2016

A CHAIRDE, Please download a PDF of the USI Student General Election Manifesto 2016. While our student manifesto is focused on education issues we have outlined a broad range of areas we feel should be addressed by the next Government. The 32nd Dáil has the opportunity to introduce real and lasting change for all our citizens. 100 years on from 1916 we can build an Ireland our children and our parents will be proud of. An Ireland where workers are paid the living wage, where there is a right to full bodily autonomy and where every person is treated with the […]

Sport can be a Key Player in Academic Success, improving Brain Function, Memory and Employability

Being involved in sports at college can greatly improve your academic success, by improving brain function, memory and even employability, according to the Union of Students in Ireland, who are urging students to get involved in exercise. Sports at college can improve your future by refining employer-friendly skills like teambuilding, communications, interpersonal skills and goal-setting. More training also means less drinking and less alcohol-related diseases, and endorphins are a great natural way to tackle stress and focus on studies. “There are plenty of good reasons to be physically active at college.” Kevin Donoghue, President of the Union of Students in […]
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Gaeilge / Irish Language

[…]the teaching of academic subjects through the Irish language. Congress notes: That under the 1929 University College, Galway Act NUIG has a special responsibility towards teaching in the native language. While it is no longer a requirement of the University to give priority to Irish speakers when recruiting academic staff, it is none the less required to support, promote and expand on the teaching of academic subjects through Irish. Congress therefore mandates: The USI Oifigeach na Gaeilge to campaign on this issue and to support the NUIG Irish language community and SU Oifigeach na Gaeilge in this campaign, within the […]

Chats for Change: USI launches Mental Health campaign

Dublin, Monday, 10th November : Today, the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) launched its “Chats for Change” national mental health campaign to get Irish students talking about mental health with the help of RTÉ Radio 2 DJ Ruth Scott, at Tallaght at 11am. In partnership with USI, St Patrick’s Mental Health Services, See Change’s Please Talk campaign for students and Twitter, thousands of “Chats for Change” tea packs will be distributed across college campuses nationwide to facilitate open conversation of mental health.  The “Chats for Change” tea packs also include tips on taking the fear out of taking about mental health and useful […]
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The Union of Students in Ireland has urged any students without the Mumps vaccine to immediately make contact with their GP.  The call comes after the Health Service Executive revealed a more than trebling of the numbers affected by the illness, which can be very serious and extremely painful – and particularly risky for young men.  It’s highly infectious and spreads very rapidly through the same mechanisms as flu and the common cold Speaking after the HSE’s announcement, Greg O’Donoghue, USI’s Vice President for Welfare, said: “If you don’t know whether or not you’ve been immunised against mumps, now is […]

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