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Student Digs: National Survey 2023 report published

[…]students for over a decade and is one of the symptoms of the wider flawed housing policy in Ireland. USI, local Students’ Unions, and others have outlined these issues repeatedly and have laid-out what we think needs to be done to address this crisis and provide proper accommodation for students now and into the future. But the necessary action has not been taken and we have seen no urgency from Government to properly address the issue. Instead, we see short-term, quick fix methods that do nothing to address the root cause of the problem. Included in these quick-fix, so-called ‘solutions’ […]
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National Student Engagement Network Launched in Cork

[…]distinct missions, which is responsive to the social, cultural and economic development of Ireland and its people and supports the achievement of national objectives. The HEA has a statutory responsibility, at central government level, for the effective governance and regulation of higher education institutions and the higher education system. QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) is an independent State agency responsible for promoting quality and accountability in education and training services in Ireland. It was established in 2012 by the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012. Fore more information on NStEP see: […]
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National Affairs

[…]no matter how minor the offence committed. This legislation is of enormous importance to the thousands of people in Ireland who have difficulty accessing work, education/training and even home insurance for one stupid mistake, usually made when they were younger (aged 18-21), for which they received a conviction such as a fine or probation, and for which they continue to be punished for the rest of their lives. This legislation is not about letting people off; it is about giving people a second chance, after they have served their punishment (whether a fine, probation, community service or custodial sentence) and […]

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