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USI and We’re Not Leaving Ask: “Social Welfare Bill: Which Side Are You On Senators?”

USI and We’re Not Leaving Ask:  “Social Welfare Bill: Which Side Are You On Senators?” Today (Friday 1st November) a number of youth groups collaborated on a photo stunt that took place at 1pm outside Leinster House on Kildare Street. Students, young workers and the unemployed came together to protest the cuts to Jobseeker’s Allowance for those under 26. The stunt played on the derogatory comments made by government Ministers that young people should not be “at home watching a flat-screen television seven days a week”. On one side of the image, characters depicting the Taoiseach, Tánaiste and Minister for Social […]
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USI ends partnership with Drinkaware, opting for independent alcohol awareness campaigns

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) has officially ended any future work with Drinkaware. The motion was passed without objection at USI National Council, held in the Dublin Institute of Technology on the 9th of November. The decision was not taken lightly, it has been discussed among Students’ Union Officers nation-wide for quite some time. USI will develop a student alcohol awareness campaign independently through working with other bodies that are not funded by a self-regulating drinks industry. USI President Joe O Connor, said: “The ‘Arthurs Day’ festival by Diageo further deepened our concerns regarding the credibility of Drinkaware’s alcohol […]
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Mental Health Funding

For the Government to ring-fence funding of €37.5m annually and to put emphasis on local 24/7 crisis intervention services. USI calls on the Government to produce a detailed, time-lined action plan to continue the reform of mental health supports improving the mental health of the whole population in line with A Vision for Change (2006), Healthy Ireland Framework (2013) and Connecting for Life (2015). This will require adequate funding, structures for good governance and oversight in place. The implementation of a 24/7-intervention service within our health service and local communities is important, and should be a priority alongside annual ring […]

Reach out to someone this World Mental Health Day, say USI

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) have encouraged students to reach out to someone and avail of support this World Mental Health Day. A full listing of college support services is available on Many Students’ Unions across the country are running events and campaigns today to mark World Mental Health Day, and Welfare Officers in Students’ Unions are available to listen and offer peer support to any students in need of help. Following the hugely successful Mental Health Reform campaign where 21,000 people signed a petition calling on Minister Kathleen Lynch to ensure the €35m of funding committed for […]
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The Week in USI 28th Jan – 3rd Feb, 2017

General: USI are featured on the Governance Code website as being ‘On the Journey’. Please see: Completed the USI democratic review after public consultations with membership. Completed the USI constitution review after public consultations with membership. Nominations for the USI officer board elections are open. For information as to how to participate, click here. Nominations for the Student Achievement Awards Ireland 2017 are now open. Click here for more information and to enter. Policy and Campaigns: The Vice President for Equality & Citizenship was appointed by the National Youth Council of Ireland to the National Government oversight committee of the LGBT Youth Strategy […]

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