Search results for "Дизайн человека Clubhouse Дизайн человека в Клабхаусе генераторы проекторы манифесторы http:/"

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Registering your SU to Deal Effect

If you have not already registered with Deal Effect, it’s time to register your Students’ Union with the service in order to ensure that revenue from sales are correctly channelled directly to your SU. What is a trickle now could turn into a revenue stream in the future – and your members will directly benefit from good deals. Why? The Video below will explain (refresh page if not displaying correctly). Registration Process 1. Log on to and complete the form (as shown below). If your SU does not have a Facebook or Twitter page, leave blank. (although we recommend […]

Apprenticeship Fees

For the Government to overturn the decision in Budget 2014 to impose the new pro-rata Student Contribution and reinstate the State contribution to remove apprenticeship fees. The decision taken in Budget 2014 to impose a new pro-rata Student Contribution fee and for SOLAS to cease making payment to the Institutes of Technology of 70% of the fee is a burden on student apprentices. The decision should be reversed in order to foster the growth of apprenticeships and reach targets set out by the Department of Education and Skills . Institutes of Technology levied the student contribution in respect of apprentices since 2004, […]

USI launch national survey on students’ experiences of violence

PRESS RELEASE Thursday, January 10, 2013 For Immediate Publication At 2pm today, the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) launched its ‘Say Something’ online survey on students’ experiences of violence. USI is conducting this survey with the support of Cosc – the National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence. The purpose of this survey is to better understand the extent and nature of violence experienced by third level students. This survey also seeks to establish how safe or unsafe students feel in different environments. Regardless of whether or not a student has experienced any kind of violence […]
Read more » USI launch national survey on students’ experiences of violence

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