Search results for "192"

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Introducing the new USI Officer Board 2014/15

This week the new USI (Union of Students in Ireland) Officer Board begin their year in office. Leading the Officer Board 2014/15 team is USI President Laura Harmon. Laura was the USI Vice President for Equality and Citizenship for the past two years. Joining Laura’s team this year as part of the USI Officer Board 2014/15 is: USI Vice President for Academic Affairs and Quality Assurance; Kevin Donoghue. USI Vice President for Welfare; Greg O’ Donoghue. USI Vice President for Equality and Citizenship; Annie Hoey. USI Vice President for Campaigns; Glenn Fitzpatrick. Leas Uachtarán Gaeilge/USI Vice President for Irish Language; […]
Read more » Introducing the new USI Officer Board 2014/15

Steps on how to Register To Vote

The local and European elections are just weeks away and the clock is ticking on the deadline the for inclusion on the supplementary register of electors (4 days away, Tuesday May 6th 2014). It is vital that young people ensure they are eligible to cast a ballot on Friday, May 23rd. Remember: It is a bank holiday this weekend so your local authority will be closed on Monday, May 5th. Below are the steps on how to get registered: Download the RFA2 form to fill out if you want to register to vote by clicking on either link below and saving. […]

Local Election candidates asked to make mental health a priority

A joint campaign by the national coalition Mental Health Reform and the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is asking Local Election candidates to commit to making mental health a priority locally, if elected. Denise McCarthy, USI Deputy President & VP Welfare said:  “With four weeks until the Local Elections on 23rd May, the 4MentalHealth campaign asks candidates to take four key actions to promote mental health and well-being. The 2014 Local Elections represent an important opportunity to keep mental health on the agenda, and we’re asking voters to make their vote count.” Candidates are being asked, if elected, to: […]
Read more » Local Election candidates asked to make mental health a priority

What is ProYouth?

ProYouth offers online, anonymous supports to those 3rd and 4th level students struggling with eating and body issues. Screening tests to identify your personal risk of developing an eating disorder. These tests can be repeated weekly, to allow you to track your progress over time.  Join ProYouth to self test yourself. The website has articles and a blog with information and inspiration to cope with issues relating to self-esteem, mental and physical health, body dissatisfaction, and media influences on eating and body issues. There  is message boards with a variety of topics relevant to eating and body issues, where students and […]

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