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[…]VP for Campaigns, in conjunction with the USI President, to write ‘the Student Manifesto’ to highlight USI’s key demands from political parties. Congress also mandates The VP for Campaigns, in conjunction with the USI President, to write ‘the Student Guide to the General Election’ which will inform the general student body on the election relevant to student issues and interests. 15 CZN 8 VOTER REGISTRATION SYSTEM REFORM   Congress Lauds: The historic success of this year’s voter registration efforts, on the part of both USI and individual MOs, in advance of the marriage equality and other referendums taking place in […]

USI Partners With gradireland #FYI Event

[…]Showcase advises students on the skills they will need (and shows them how to acquire them) in order to help them decide what they want to do, and to get their career off to the best possible start when they graduate.” Mark Mitchell, Director, […]

USI Student Summit 2014: What is life as a young startup really like?

[…]local businesses in Dublin. Local businesses used the platform to reward customers for sharing in-store experiences. The more influential the customer the bigger the reward they could earn. We built successful case studies from this launch and have brought on new investors as a result. We’re now talking to global brands about integrating the technology behind their existing platforms. Our team is currently 4 people and this is set to grow to 8 before the end of the year. The support system in Ireland is incredible. Everybody wants to help out. Not a dog eat dog environment at all so […]
Read more » USI Student Summit 2014: What is life as a young startup really like?

Student Teachers Placement Report Launched

[…]main driver for stress. 71% of current placement students hold part-time jobs during placement in order to afford rent, materials for teaching, travel and food, citing the €1,500 Gaeltacht fee as the biggest motivation for working part-time while on placement. 89% of current students and 79% of graduates say that the compulsory Gaeltacht fee is too high. Speaking at the launch, USI President Michael Kerrigan, said, “Work placement is invaluable preparation for student teachers pursuing their vocation as educators. Students are following their dreams to teach the next generation while battling the high cost of living with no financial support […]

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