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Students Voting YES in Divorce Referendum, May 24th

[…]Friday, 24th May, after a decision to support a ‘Yes’ vote at the most recent meeting of the USI National Council in Waterford.   Currently, the laws on Divorce in Ireland state that a married couple must be living apart for at least 4 years before they can consider divorcing one another, it also states that divorces that take place outside of the state are not legally recognised in Ireland. Students recognise that these laws are outdated and in particular don’t take into account the number of Irish migrants that move their lives abroad and indeed divorce abroad, and are […]
Read more » Students Voting YES in Divorce Referendum, May 24th

USI demonstration urges TDs to sign Education for All pledge and action from Minister

[…]Student Contribution Charge of €3,000, the highest in the EU. An end to the study now pay later, and earn and learn policies and a move toward publicly funded education at the heart of government policy. A publicly financed student accommodation building strategy and charter for student tenant rights. A reform of student supports across the island that match the cost of being a student in the new decade. A plan to address the crisis in Irish creative institutions. An end to precarious working conditions for academic staff. The USI Education for All pledge, the online form to sign, along […]
Read more » USI demonstration urges TDs to sign Education for All pledge and action from Minister

Deferral period ban on giving blood for men who have sex with men should be abolished after moves by Northern Ireland

[…]to give blood have been welcomed by the National Union of Students-Union of Students in Ireland (NUS-USI) as a good first step. However, the NUS-USI, which oversees the student movement in Northern Ireland, has reiterated its calls for the “discriminatory ban” to be scrapped completely. And the Union of Students in Ireland has said the same approach must also be taken in the Republic of Ireland, which currently bans men who have sex with men from donating blood for 12 months after sexual activity. Describing the announcement that will take effect from June 1 and bring Northern Ireland into line […]
Read more » Deferral period ban on giving blood for men who have sex with men should be abolished after moves by Northern Ireland

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