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Free Our Voice: USI Launch “No” Vote Campaign

[…]Community Centre, Dublin 4. It was conducted by representatives of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI),  who answered questions put to them by members of the Ringsend community here.  The USI is calling for a No vote in the referendum, and for genuine reform to the Seanad and our entire political system, to make it more effective, representative, transparent and democratic.  Free Our Voice, the USI’s political reform proposal, sets out a series of measures to reform the Seanad and improve the political system. These include; ·         Abolishing the Economic Management Council ·         Votes for all graduates in Seanad elections ·         An […]
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New Officer Board for USI

[…]Officer Name Twitter Email Home SU Fergal McFerran QUBSU NUS USI President is Fergal McFerran Fergal is the President of NUS-USI, which places him on the Officer Board of the Union of Students in Ireland as Northern Area Officer, and the National Executive Committee of the UK National Union of Students.  He studied at Queen’s University Belfast and previously served as NUS-USI Deputy […]

USI welcomes Positive Impact of Gender Quotas in GE, calling it Huge Progress in Gender Balance in Politics

[…]gender balance in politics. The number of female TDs has increased dramatically since 2011 by 47% and USI said using gender quotas is the fastest way to achieve gender balance in politics.   “The new 32nd Dáil has the highest ever number of female TDs – 22%, up from 15%, an increase of 47%.” Kevin Donoghue, USI President, said, “But it also means that almost 4 in 5 politicians are still male. While there is a long way to go to achieve true gender balance in politics, the gender quota is a good start. A diversity of voices in our […]
Read more » USI welcomes Positive Impact of Gender Quotas in GE, calling it Huge Progress in Gender Balance in Politics

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