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The Union of Students in Ireland is calling for a change in the way Irish is Taught in School

[…]the gaeltacht. USI is concerned about the teaching of the Irish language at secondary level in Ireland and noted that many students believe that the Irish language is not “taught as a language” and that too much focus is put on literature instead of the oral practice. Congress believed that the teaching of Irish “as a language” would aid greatly in the enjoyment of the language at secondary level and that students would have a greater degree of fluency in the language leaving secondary level. While congress acknowledges the changes recently made to the Leaving Certificate Irish curriculum which places […]
Read more » The Union of Students in Ireland is calling for a change in the way Irish is Taught in School

Union of Students in Ireland Teams Up With Brain Injury Specialists for ‘Mind Your Head’ Campaign

[…]lead by example and begin to reduce the risks they take, we hope the people of Ireland will follow us and join this important campaign. Mind your head this Christmas- the risk you encounter may take seconds, but the recovery will last a lifetime”. Acquired Brain Injury Ireland is the USI Charity of the Year 2012/2013. To support this organisation and campaign this year log […]
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Urgent clarity needed on position of student nurses and midwives dealing with COVID-19

[…]unable to continue with part-time work because they are at risk of carrying and spreading the virus while supporting the health system during this pandemic.” Student nurses are also concerned about being out of work for long periods while waiting to be tested for the virus, which is putting extra strain on the health services. Lorna said: “Like other frontline health workers, student nurses have to use the general public HSE line to get tested for COVID-19. We reiterate GPs and frontline health workers’ calls for a specific line of testing to be introduced for student nurses and other health workers so […]
Read more » Urgent clarity needed on position of student nurses and midwives dealing with COVID-19

Students Disappointed As Senators Fail To Reject Student Loans

[…]to make the ambitious decision and reject an income contingent loan scheme, despite the obvious and unfair burden placed on students and their families. The message is loud and clear to future students: take your €20,000 debt, your degree, and get out”.   Mr Kerrigan went on to say, “Senators across parties declared publicly funded higher education as something we should strive for. It’s time our Government put their money where their mouth is and make the commitment to publicly invest now. Senators from Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael asked for patience with the Joint Committee on Education and Skills […]
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102 Students’ Union Officers Trained

[…]Union officers from over 30 Students’ Unions. The training was in conjunction with NUS-UK and NUS-USI. SUT aims to introduce officers to their political leadership role with their Students’ Union and provide the skills and knowledge to enable officers to consider their leadership style and effectively influence and lead those around them. Within the course there are opportunities for officers to learn more about current issues facing the student movement and discuss and debate how their role plays an important part in ensuring that student in their union are represented. Key sessions took place on higher education funding with a […]

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