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Executive uses cancelled Congress week to virtually meet student reps

[…]this important work takes place. We will say more about that when the elements are tied down in order to allow it to be as democratic as possible. Our democratic structures are extremely important to us and the Congress Director is currently engaged in this process.” However, while these elements are explored and finalised, Lorna explained that she and the rest of the National Executive are using the time to talk to as many student representatives as possible. She explained: “We are engaged in a number of national spheres, but we are also making sure that we are fully in […]
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Carlow Show Their Community Spirit

[…]in Carlow and in communities’ right across the country. Communities need to unite together to stop cuts to education and to revive their economies. This is why it is important that our ‘Fight for Your Future Now’ campaign engages not only students, but their communities also.” A number of activities took place such as face painting and games  which kept the young members of the community engaged, complimentary tea and coffee and USI National Campaign ‘Fight For Your Future Now’ merchandise was available for those who came down to show their support. For more information contact USI Communications & Research […]

USI backs call for an urgent increase to postgraduate research stipends

[…]which I have signed on behalf of USI, calls for all stipends to be increased to €28,000 in order to address inflation, the housing and cost-of-living crises, and in recognition of the new government valuation on PhD-level research as seen in their most recent PhD funding initiative.” The open letter goes on to say that that PhD students feel they are not valued, and some have expressed doubts as to the point of continuing when they could get much better-paid jobs in the industry. Read the full text of the open letter […]
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Cost of college passes €1,000 per month: Students respond

[…]education as they see the value that it brings, are clearly making enormous sacrifices in order to bring this about. The increasing borrowing of these parents highlighted in the survey continues a worrying trend whereby the most vulnerable families are trapped in a spiral of more and more debt. Any further increases in the costs of college through increased student charges or reductions in the maintenance grant will merely serve to further attack struggling families already crippled by wider recessionary measures. We would call on the Government and Minister Quinn to have the costs of college at the forefront of […]
Read more » Cost of college passes €1,000 per month: Students respond

USI supports Seanad Éireann motion to provide employment rights and protections to PhD researchers

[…]engage with representative organisations of lecturers and postdoctoral and PhD researchers in order to begin to address this systemic issue. Introduce regulations or legislate to ensure all persons employed to teach in higher education institutions earn a living wage at a minimum. Engage with the Higher Education Authority, universities and higher education institutions, trade unions and other worker representative organisations to develop regulations around the use of fixed-term and part-time contracts and contracts of indefinite duration. Work with relevant stakeholders to develop a tangible plan to end precarity in higher education. Invest in public research and public-public partnerships for research, […]
Read more » USI supports Seanad Éireann motion to provide employment rights and protections to PhD researchers

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