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Students Call On Senators To Reject Loans Scheme In Favour Of Public Investment In Education

Union of Students in Ireland (USI) today called on Senators to support a Labour private members motion this Wednesday, rejecting any move to implement an income-contingent loan scheme but instead to publicly invest in third level education. In advance of the debate, USI President Michael Kerrigan said, “A decision to go ahead with an income-contingent loan scheme will increase emigration and sends a clear message to our future students: take your €20,000 debt, your degree, and get out.  Ireland currently charges the 2nd highest higher education fees in Europe after the UK, and we’ve seen in the UK that the […]
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Students Nationwide Stand Against Coca-Cola in #TasteZeroRights campaign

[…]clear that SIPTU and USI will continue to campaign together on issues of mutual interest and in order to support the aims of our members in both unions.” SIPTU Manufacturing Division Organiser, Teresa Hannick, said: “SIPTU members in Ballina Beverages in Coca Cola welcome the USI Congress support for their campaign for collective bargaining rights. They also welcome the USI Congress support for the IUF Taste Zero Rights campaign. “The company are clearly in breach of their own human rights policy by failing to engage in collective bargaining with SIPTU and its members. Hopefully, this motion will help the management […]
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USI Equality Policy

[…]to adopting equal opportunities policies and procedures as an employer and service provider in order to combat discrimination and value diversity. The Union of Students in Ireland will not tolerate discrimination based on gender, civil status, family status, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion, membership of the Traveller community, gender expression, gender identity, country of origin, socio-economic background. The first nine grounds are those specifically mentioned by the Equality Acts but discrimination can occur also on other characteristics. The Union of Students in Ireland reserves the right to add to these groups at any time. 3. Taking Action: The Union […]

Students Demand the Right to Access Third-Level Education in Ireland as part of Global Campaign

[…]Higher Education in Ireland is under threat. The judge in the initial ruling recognised that in order to be economically and socially prosperous in today’s society, it was imperative that citizens have access to higher education. The Government, rather than act to legislate on that right, shamefully challenged the ruling.” “Students in Ireland today face a soaring cost of living and the second highest fees in Europe, while Government has actively disinvested in third-level education. Education is a right, not a privilege. Thousands of students have mobilised against student loans, to defend the SUSI grant, and to demand that Government […]
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USI Welcomes Wage Increase Coming into Effect for Student Nurses and Midwives

[…]engaging with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the Department of Health in order to secure incremental credit for these categories of nurses, to ensure they receive the same benefit as those qualifying in 2016.” The proposals arrived at involve the following as of the 1st March 2016 – The restoration of pay for students on 36 week placement directly linked to the staff nurse rate of pay The rate to be set is at 70% of the staff nurse rate of pay Incremental credit of €2014 will apply on graduation once 16 weeks of work has been […]
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