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USI warns of growing sense of despair among Ireland’s youth as CSO reveals 39% unemployment rate for 15-24 year olds

[…]and rebuild the smart economy from the ground up.” -ENDS- For more information, contact USI Media and Communications Executive, Ronan Costello, on 085-1164263 or email at […]
Read more » USI warns of growing sense of despair among Ireland’s youth as CSO reveals 39% unemployment rate for 15-24 year olds

Government must invest in underfunded third level system to ease significant burden of costs on students

[…]out in black and white today should bring home to many that this situation is at a crisis level and must be addressed as a matter of […]
Read more » Government must invest in underfunded third level system to ease significant burden of costs on students

All I want for Nollaig na mBan

[…]to my body in the case of my passing. And because they respect my bodily autonomy I know I can trust them to fulfil my wishes. And I know that even if I hadn’t shared it with them that they would make the best decision for me as I trust them to know and respect my needs. However, a recent case in Ireland makes it quite clear that respect for a person’s bodily autonomy, in this particular case a woman’s, is not always protected. Keeping a woman on life support because of a lack of clarity in relation to the […]

Gaeilge / Irish Language

[…]of 2014/2015.    14 G 4           MANDATE LU GAEILGE TO CONTACT NUS & NUS/USI TO BUILD A LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP Congress notes: The beneficial aspects of a long-lasting relationship to be built between language officers of NUS Wales and NUS Scotland. Congress mandates: The LU Gaeilge to develop a relationship with the NUS Language Officers, with a view to developing a role for an NUS-USI Oifigeach na Gaeilge.                                               13 G 1            COISTE NA GAEILGE AG COMHAIRLE NÁISIÚNTA/IRISH […]

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