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NUS-USI and USI join forces to encourage students to vote #Bremain in Brexit referendum

[…]a vote to leave Europe will have a negative effect on students, new graduates and young people. NUS-USI and USI said if Britain votes to leave the EU, it could take years to broker new trade agreements between the UK and the EU, and will cause years of uncertainty for British and Irish trade, which will have a knock-on effect for employment and enterprise prospects for young people. NUS-USI and USI said that new border controls between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland could potentially damage years of progress in peace, economic and social relations between Ireland and the […]
Read more » NUS-USI and USI join forces to encourage students to vote #Bremain in Brexit referendum

USI welcomes establishment of new body which aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness

[…](CAMHS) from the year before. USI Vice-President for Welfare, Cian Power, will be representing USI and third level students on the taskforce, following the continued work and dedication from USI on mental health on campaigns like #ChatsForChange and #IamAReason. “USI are honoured to be part of the body to increase awareness of mental illness and reduce the stigma surrounding it.” Jack Leahy, USI Deputy President, said. “It is extremely positive that mental health is a priority for the government and we are looking forward to working with Minister McEntee and the taskforce.” The taskforce was passed through the cabinet on the 27th July. It will […]
Read more » USI welcomes establishment of new body which aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness

USI Irish Language Policy

[…]which will help them promote the Irish Language in an organised and continuous way, in the MO’s and in USI itself. This will done in part with other National Organisations insofar as is […]

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